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Police Research & Education Network


Assessed as world-leading and internationally-excellent, research to develop the evidence base for contemporary policing is conducted across Northumbria University. Our work is characterised as:

  • Informing policy and practice. For example, through re-orienting Police response to youth offenders, or shaping the policing of wildlife trafficking across the EU, or helping design offender support programmes delivered by Police, Probation and third sector groups.

  •  Providing wide-ranging, cutting-edge science and applied research;

  • Working in partnership with the Police and agencies regionally, nationally, within European networks and internationally;

Research Themes

Undergraduate Placement Student’s Dissertation Research:

The Social Sciences Dissertation Work Experience module provides a rare opportunity for our most talented students to undertake a research based dissertation with an external organisation. Northumbria University is proud to work with Northumbria Police to offer student research dissertation placements. Students spend 1 day a week on placement and undertake an agreed research project, based on a police research priority. The placement provides a unique opportunity for students to put into practice their research training, whilst also gaining first-hand experience of the importance of evidence based policing. Below are some examples of student research projects:

Exploring the Experience of Call Handlers and Police Officers within Northumbria Police Whilst Dealing with Mental Health Vulnerability:  

This study of call handlers and police officers within Northumbria Police explores the different ways the management of mental health is executed, through a neoliberal perspective.

Operating Under the Cosh: Policing the Rural Landscape of Northumbria:           

This research study looks to explore the difficulties of policing the more rural areas of North Tyneside and Northumberland, and shows how Northumbria Police deals with these issues through community engagement and reassurance initiatives.

Victim Trends in Human Trafficking and Modern Day Slavery in the Northumbria Police Force Area from 2012-2017:               

Human trafficking and modern-day slavery have an increasing focus in recent years and therefore requires more forward-thinking policing strategies that are intelligence based, making them more useful to local and national policing authorities.

A Study into Domestic Violence and Austerity within Northumbria Police:          

Using qualitative research, this study investigates if there is a relationship between domestic violence and austerity.

Offender Management: To what extent do offenders think the scheme works for them?

Using qualitative interviews and literature research, this project aims to address the lack of opinions from offenders currently on the offender management programme. This research has identified minor yet resolvable issues but highlighted women require an entirely different approach to that applied to men.

Does alcohol remain a determining influence in youth crime and deviance? Are drugs becoming more obtainable?     

This small scale qualitative research project aims to identify whether there has been a decline in alcohol use amongst youths engaging in low level criminal and deviant behaviour and whether there has been a growth in drug usage, including new psychoactive substances (legal highs).

Domestic Violence and the police:  Could the police do more to ensure a positive outcome for the most vulnerable of domestic violence victims?

This small-scale research explored the relationship between the police and domestic violence victims. The research found that whilst victim satisfaction overall was high and pleasing, there was room for improvement in the ‘follow-up’ areas of a case.

Investigating the Nature of the Role of an Integrated Offender Management Police Officer:      

This is an exploratory study on the nature of the role of an Integrated Offender Management (IOM) police officer, based on their perceptions and experiences. The research concludes that the nature of the role of an IOM police officer is diverse but effective in managing offenders, although there is currently a lack of statistics and research to support this.

To what extent do the police and partnership agencies work alongside each other when tackling anti-social behaviour?

Ever since Vera Baird’s election in 2012, anti-social behaviour has been a policing priority for Northumbria police and has been part of their police and crime plan. This small scale research project focuses on how Northumbria Police aim to reduce anti-social behaviour, particularly through working alongside partnership agencies.


CEPOL Research:

European Union Agency for Law Enforcement Training (CEPOL) Stakeholder Engagement Survey.Project Dates: January 2018 - August 2018

Research Context:

The purpose of the research is to understand in broad terms four key aims:

  1. How CEPOL engages with stakeholders and recommendations for improvements
  2. The expectations of CEPOL’s stakeholders and recommendations on how best CEPOL can manage these expectations
  3. How well-informed CEPOL’s stakeholders are about CEPOL’s work and recommendations on how best to keep them informed
  4. Why some Member States engage better with CEPOL than others and recommendations on how to improve this engagement

In relation to these four aims, a series of more specific objectives will be addressed through the phone interviews and online survey, these include:

Stakeholder satisfaction in terms of engagement with CEPOL

Are stakeholders adequately consulted?

What means are more effective in terms of engagement?

Stakeholder expectations of CEPOL

What are the expectations of stakeholders?

To what extent are stakeholders able to influence the content of programmes delivered by CEPOL?

To what extent are stakeholders able to influence the delivery mechanisms used by CEPOL?

Stakeholder information about CEPOL

What is the awareness and understanding of stakeholders towards CEPOL

How do stakeholders get their information about CEPOL and its activities

What do stakeholders think of CEPOL’s information products advertising CEPOL’s training portfolio and training opportunities?

Do stakeholders feel that they are sufficiently informed about CEPOL activities?

Member State engagement with CEPOL

Does the extent of engagement relate to domestic arrangements in member states?

Do member states that are more satisfied and have their expectations met become more likely to engage in programmes?

Research Methodology

In addition to desk-based analysis of training provided, take-up rates and outcomes the project involves two key survey methods. A survey of 160 key stakeholders will chart their experiences and perceptions of CEPOL training programmes, with particular focus on various e-learning services CEPOL provide. Coupled with this will be semi-structured phone interviews with police and law enforcement staff involved in training to gauge perceptions of CEPOL's work.

For more information, please contact the Principal Researcher: Professor Michael Rowe


PhD Students Research:

PhD students add considerably to the cutting-edge policing research carried out across all faculties of the University. Current on-going projects are underway on a wide-range of topics, including:

  • Racist bullying in an organisational setting: an investigation into the subtle and systematic bullying of black and minority ethnic (BME) women within the British police service.
  • The Road from Crime in Times of Austerity: The Complexity of Desistance under Transforming Rehabilitation.
  • Intersecting Victim Identities and Hierarchies of Vulnerability and Victimisation.
  • Intersecting Identities and Hierarchies of Victimisation: An investigation into LGBT experiences of hate crime within Newcastle upon Tyne.
  • Enforcement or Engagement? Policing Sex Work and Violence in the UK.
  • "Getting the Grease to the Squeak”: understanding the operational and cultural context in which science, technology and evidence can enhance police practice.
  • Moral panic and newspaper reporting in Britain: victims, persecutors and folk devils.
  • The Development of Forensic Accounting as a Profession within the UK: An Exploration into the Educational and Training Requirements.
  • Forensic Science Evidence and Attrition in Criminal Cases in the England and Wales Criminal Justice System.
  • Forensic DNA databasing: retention regimes and efficacy.
  • The doctrine of Joint Enterprise: Exposing vulnerable young gang members to fall victim of double victimisation within the Criminal Justice System.
  • Temporal Forensic Analysis of Digital Camera Sensor Imperfections for Picture Dating.
  • Partial Palmprint Recognition for Forensic Investigation.




  • Professor Pam Briggs is a founder member of the UK's new Research Institute in Science of Cybersecurity (RISCS), funded by GCHQ in association with Research Councils UK Global Uncertainty Programme, and has a specialist interest in behavioural psychology and cybersecurity. 
  • The Computer and Electronic Security Systems research group (including Professor Ahmed Bouridane, Dr Paul Vickers, Dr Graham Sexton, Dr Richard Jiang and Dr Fouad Khelifi, is focused on developing novel algorithms and solutions for a range of relevant problems, including: biometric recognition (Face, Iris, Palmprint and Fingerprint), speaker fingerprinting, shoeprint matching, data hiding, steganography, and digital watermarking for media security, telesurveillance for people’s security, visualisation for security, situational awareness for cyber security, digital forensics, theory and practice of secure embedded systems development and analysis, and real time processing using programmable hardware platforms.
  • Professor Tim J Wilson, Professor Chrisje Brants and Adam Jackson, along with their colleague Derek Johnson are members of a one million pound international research project into police activity on part of the Dark Web; Police Detectives on the TOR Network (A Study on Tensions between Privacy and Crime Fighting) (PDTOR). The PDTOR project follows the award of a multi-national research contract by three research councils: NordForsk (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway Sweden, the Faroe Islands, Greenland, and Åland), the UK ESRC and the Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research and will draw heavily on the expertise based in the Northumbria Centre for Evidence and Criminal Justice StudiesThe PDTOR project will see collaboration with colleagues from The Netherlands Open University, The Norwegian Police University College and Stockholm University in studying tensions between privacy and crime fighting on the TOR-network. In addition, the team will look at ways of ensuring that evidence of international criminal activity can be collected effectively and exchanged efficiently between different jurisdictions.

  • Headed by Professor Martin Evison, the Northumbria Centre for Forensic Sciences is a multi-disciplinary research centre that brings together a wide range of research themes, including forensic genetics, trace evidence, forensic anthropology, sociology, bioethics, and science and technology studies.
  • Dr Carole McCartney’s work focuses on criminal justice and policing collaboration across borders. Similarly, cross border cooperation features in work by Associate Professor Tanya Wyatt that examines trends in organised crime and the international trafficking of wildlife.
  •  Professor Jackie Harvey researches anti-money laundering practices, asset recovery and financial market regulation 
  •  Dr Peter Sproat studies finance and counter-terrorism and the policing of organised crime.
  • Derek Johnson’s research work has focused on the Geography of Crime from various viewpoints. He was the Northumbria lead for a three year £1.25m funded project in cooperation with EU partners looking into the geography of inter-EU migrant offending across EU member states whilst also conducting funded research projects in cooperation with an English Police Force into the nature of offenders crime site selection and the ‘near repeat’ behavioural phenomena.

  • Laura Longstaff’s research work focuses on the importance of occupational psychology in the police workplace.

  • Other dimensions of vulnerability are examined by colleagues, within the Northern Hub for Excellence and Innovation in Child and Adult Safeguarding. Staff in the Hub undertake multi-method research that aims to optimise the life chances of children and adults who experience a range of vulnerabilities and who often have multiple and complex needs.  The Hub member’s work reflects particular expertise in child protection, child deaths and serious case reviews, adult safeguarding, mental health, mental capacity and psychological therapies.  Members of the Hub include qualified social workers, health and allied healthcare professionals, teachers, barristers and solicitors.
  • A number of colleagues within Northumbria Law School are actively researching in areas relating to policing and vulnerability including; Professor Tony Ward, Professor Ray Arthur, Associate Professor Nicola Wake and Ann Creaby-Attwood. Professor Tony Ward and Associate Professor Nicola Wake are researching in the area of human trafficking and Professor Ward has recently submitted an application for British Academy funding to work with police officers in further researching this area. Professor Ray Arthur is a leading scholar in the field of youth justice and Ann Creaby-Attwood’s research focusses on vulnerable offenders in the criminal justice system and in particular offenders with Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASDs). 

458 courses found

Advanced Computer Science MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Widen your knowledge, use cutting-edge technology and gain advanced computing skills with the Advanced Computer Science MSc at Northumbria…

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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16 months Full Time / Sep, Jan start

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2 years Full Time with Study Abroad / Sep, Jan start

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2 years Full Time with Advanced Practice / Sep, Jan start

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Applied Sciences Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Passionate about science? This course will give you wider scientific knowledge to help you decide your ideal degree destination.

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Autism MA

Postgraduate | Newcastle | 28 months Part Time

The Autism MA offers a flexible framework of modules which will allow you to tailor your learning around your life. You will benefit…

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Biochemistry BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Enrich your understanding of all cellular life and the biological processes that influence all living organisms with this course.

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Biology BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Turn your passion for biology into a career. Deepen your understanding of living systems and investigate what will shape their future.

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Biomedical Science BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle

Interested in science and want to make a difference? Learn the skills to make an impact on health, diagnosis and treatment of disease.

3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad / Sep start

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6 years Part Time / Sep start

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Business and Management MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Our AACSB accredited master's in business and management develops a wide range of business skills with a responsible business edge.

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Full Time with Advanced Practice / Sep, Jan start

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16 months Full Time / Jan start

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2 years Part Time (Distance Learning) / Jan, Apr, Jul start

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Chemistry BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Study diverse chemistry topics and gain hands on practical experience in order to become a well-rounded chemist on this course.

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Chemistry MChem

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 4 years Full Time or 5 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Study diverse chemistry topics and gain hands on practical experience to become a well-rounded chemist with this integrated masters.

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Computing with Cyber Security Technology BSc (Hons) (London)

Undergraduate | London

Computing with Cyber Security Technology BSc (Hons) aims to develop your knowledge and skillset in information governance, information…

3 years Full Time / Sep start

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3 years Full Time / Sep start

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Creative and Cultural Industries Management MA

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Master the skills to make an impact in creative and cultural sectors at Northumbria University. Specialise in Events, Media, Museums…

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Part Time / Sep start

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Criminology BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

If you’re interested in the causes of crime and victimisation, and the ways in which societies respond to it, this course is for you.

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Cyber Security MSc (London Campus)

Postgraduate | London

Our MSc Cyber Security provides you with a critical understanding of information governance and assurance, combined with technology…

1 year Full Time / Sep, Jan, May start

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2 years Part Time / Sep, Jan, May start

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Cyber Security Technology MSc (London)

Postgraduate | London

This programme has been designed for those who have an undergraduate degree in any discipline who wish to study for a qualification…

1 year Full Time / Sep, Jan, May start

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2 years Distance Learning / Jan, Apr, Jul start

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Data Science BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Prepare for your career in one of computing’s fastest growing areas and be at the forefront of the next big advance with this course.

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Design Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Develop your skills across the various areas of design and study a broad range of design elements with this foundation course.

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Digital Design BA (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Our Digital Design course is for designers who want to help connect people, tell stories, communicate information, and address social…

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Disaster Management and Sustainable Development MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Learn how to prepare for and respond to any type of crisis. Northumbria’s 2-year Advanced Practice Masters will equip you for a career…

2 years Full Time (with Advanced Practice in the second year) / Sep start

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1 year Full Time / Sep start

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Economics BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Build the analytical skills and knowledge you’ll need to carve out a successful career in the finance sector with this course.

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Entrepreneurship and Innovation Management MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Learn creative thinking and an entrepreneurial mindset with this master's programme at Northumbria University.

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Full Time with Advanced Practice / Sep start

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Geography BA (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Understand the economic, cultural, social and political processes that influence key contemporary issues with this course.

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Geography BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Understand and analyse human impact on the environment, the world around you, and all of the factors that affect this on this course.

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Global Logistics Operations and Supply Chain Management (London) MSc

Postgraduate | London

The MSc in Global Logistics, Operations and Supply Chain Management with Advanced Practice has been designed to enable you to acquire…

2 years Full Time with Advanced Practice / Sep, Jan, May start

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1 year Full Time / Sep, Jan, May start

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History BA (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Explore the past and the 21-century and think about how history provides a deep perspective on present-day challenges on this course.

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Humanities Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

This foundation year will prepare you for degree level study by exploring a range of topics from across the humanities subject areas.

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International Finance and Investment MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Enhance your career prospects with our MSc in International Finance and Investment Masters, which allows you to develop the analytical…

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Full Time with Advanced Practice / Sep start

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International Hospitality and Tourism Management MSc

Postgraduate | Newcastle

Delve into the world of hospitality and tourism management and discover the skills and knowledge needed for success in this industry.

2 years Full Time / Sep start

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1 year Full Time / Sep start

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Law Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | Foundation year followed by a further 3 or 4 years full-time study

Interested in a career in law? The foundation year is designed to provide a strong grounding in both subject knowledge and skills.

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Law LLB (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Gain a thorough grounding in legal principles while developing your transferable skills with this course.

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Marketing BA (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Interested in Marketing? On this course you’ll gain specialist knowledge you can use to help shape the decisions behind purchases.

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Mathematics MMath (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 4 years Full Time or 5 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

This integrated undergraduate course is underpinned by our research strengths in areas of applied mathematics and in your final year…

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Music BA (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Pursue your passion for music and broaden your musical horizons in ways that lead to many career pathways with this course.

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Music Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Interested in a career in the music industry? Gain the skills and knowledge you’ll need to take the next step with this course.

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Physics BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Interested in Physics? Understand the world around us, from the smallest particle to the largest galaxy.

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Physics MPhys (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 4 years Full Time or 5 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Gain a deeper understanding of what’s around us, from the smallest particle to the far reaches of the universe with this course.

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Preventive Conservation MA

Postgraduate | Newcastle

The full time, distance learning MA Preventive Conservation course will immerse you in the world of preventive conservation and collections…

1 year Full Time (Distance Learning) / Sep start

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2 years Part Time (Distance Learning) / Sep start

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Psychology Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 year or 4 years full-time study

Interested in the workings of the human mind? Gain a developed understanding and knowledge of the fundamental principles of Psychology.

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Real Estate BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Have you ever thought about buying, selling, managing, or developing property? Our business-oriented Real Estate BSc (Hons) degree…

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Social Science Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Prepare for degree level study in a social science subject with this course that covers areas of sociology, politics, and criminology.

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Sociology BSc (Hons)

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Develop a global understanding of society, dynamics and modern life and prepare for employment in a range of fields on this course.

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Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (Health Visiting) Postgraduate Diploma

Postgraduate | Newcastle

As a registered nurse or midwife from the NMC standards, SCPHN health visitors (HV) are uniquely placed to reach every child in their…

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Part Time / Sep start

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Specialist Community Public Health Nursing (School Nursing) Postgraduate Diploma

Postgraduate | Newcastle

As a registered nurse or midwife from the NMC standards, SCPHN school nurses (SN) are autonomous practitioners who uphold the rights…

1 year Full Time / Sep start

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2 years Part Time / Sep start

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Sport Foundation Year

Undergraduate | Newcastle | 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

The Sport Foundation Year will provide you with all the skills and knowledge you’ll need to take the next step into a Sport degree.

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