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Mehrdad Naderi
a person smiling for the camera
Brabha Nagaratnam
a woman smiling for the camera
Anil Namdeo
Liz Nantunda
Lauren Napier
Jonathan Nash
Staff Placeholder
Staff Placeholder
Staff Placeholder
Nick Neave Staffprofile Northumbriauniversity255
Elisa Nedelec
Jeyamohan Neera
Staff Placeholder
Tamsin Nelson
Staff Placeholder
Daniel Nettle
Robert Newbery
a person posing for the camera
James Newham
Amy Newman
Christopher Newman
Staff Placeholder

Vic Newton

Assistant Professor

Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries

Wai Pang Ng
Nhung Nguyen
Nhung Nguyen
Adam Nichol
a man in a blue shirt
Staff Placeholder
Helen Nicholson
James Nicholson
Staff Placeholder
Rebecca Nicholson
Staff Placeholder

Tim Nicholson

Assistant Professor (Practice)

Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries

Tom Nicholson
Suzanne Nicolson

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