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Your Student IT Account

What is my Northumbria University IT Account?

Every student at Northumbria University has their own IT account. You will be allocated an IT account when you enrol on your course. 

Your IT account is personal to you, and you will use it throughout your studies here at Northumbria University. Your IT account details, such as your password, should never be shared with anyone.

When will I use my account?

Your IT account will enable you to access the IT systems and software that you will use during your studies. As well as logging in to computers on campus, your IT account is used to log in to resources such as:

  • Blackboard - Northumbria University’s online learning platform.
  • - where you can access your University emails and save your important files.
  • My Portal - the online hub where you can get information, help and support.
  • NU Connect - Northumbria University’s free mobile app.

How do I get access to my account?

Your computer username and password can be found in your welcome email from Northumbria University Enrolment.

If you forget your username or password, you can contact IT Support. 

Press here for IT Support contact information. 

How do I use my account?

Your IT account is composed of a username and a password. Your username is generated for you and will stay the same throughout your studies here at Northumbria University. You will change your password when you first receive your IT account details.

Your username will start with:


and will be followed by 8 numbers. 

The self-service password reset website allows you to change your password 24 x 7 without the need to contact IT Support.

To register for the service, visit where you can pick a unique PIN and register a mobile.

If you forget your password you can visit and enter your PIN to reset your password immediately. You can change your password as many times as you like.

Remember, as a student at Northumbria University you agree to be bound by the University regulations for Use of Computing and Library Facilities

It is your responsibility to have read and understood these regulations. You can find them in the University Handbook of Student Regulations.

Where can I get further help?

IT Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

View IT Support contact details.

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