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Researchers have been awarded £1.6 million to develop a network which will support people living…
BA – Bachelor of Arts. An undergraduate degree which covers the Liberal Arts. This includes subject areas like Fine Art and Performing Arts as well as the Humanities, like English, Music, or History, and Social Science courses like Politics and Sociology.
BSc (Bee-Ess-See) – Bachelor of Science. Undergraduate degrees which have a science focus including Applied Sciences like Chemistry, Biology and Physics as well as areas of study like Mathematics and Computing.
BEng (Bee-Enj) – Bachelor of Engineering. An undergraduate degree which has an engineering-based focus, for example, construction and civil engineering or electrical and mechanical engineering.
BRP - A Biometric Residence Permit (BRP) is a card the size of a credit card issued by the Home Office as evidence of your immigration permission. You will receive a BRP if you apply for your Student Route visa in the UK, or if you apply from outside of the UK for a programme longer than 6 months. Your BRP card is your visa and will contain personal and biometric information of your permission to be in the UK.
BUCS – This stands for British Universities and Colleges Sport (BUCS), and they are the national governing body for higher education sport in the UK.
CAS – This is a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). For international students to apply for a Student Visa they must have a CAS from Northumbria University. A CAS is a unique reference number that you will need to put on your visa application. Once you have satisfied the conditions for a CAS, Northumbria University will issue you a CAS Statement which details your CAS number. It also includes all the information that we have based the decision on, which may help you in your visa application.
Clearing – If you do not receive the grades you expected, have changed your mind about what course you want to study, or have received better results than you expected; you can use Clearing to find a place at a different university or on a different, more suitable, course.
Conditional offer – A University offer with conditions attached. For instance, you may need certain grades to be accepted onto the course. This is an offer of a place on a course subject to conditions. To be accepted on the course, you’ll need to meet the conditions – usually related to your exam results. This is a common type of offer for students applying directly from further education.
Credits – At University, each module of study will equate to a number of credits; you must be given a certain number of credits from your courses through grading on exams and coursework to progress to the next year.
Diploma – A certificate to show that someone has completed a course of study successfully, awarded by an educational establishment.
Enquirers – These are students who have registered their interest in studying with Northumbria University but have not yet made an application. We also sometimes refer to enquirers as prospective students.
Enrolment – Registering at a university to officially become a student.
Firm Choice – Applicants can select one university course based on a conditional offer as their firm choice. When accepting a firm choice, you have formed a contract with that university the terms of which are set out in the conditions of your offer. If the conditions are met, everything will be confirmed, and your place will be secured.
Foundation Degree – A four-year degree with a foundation year incorporated into the course to gain more knowledge of the subject before beginning your official first year at university.
Honours (Hons) – "(Hons)" following a degree such as BA or BSc indicates an Honours degree which depends on the grade you achieve upon completing your studies. If your overall mark surpasses 40%, you may be granted an Honours degree, such as BA (Hons) or BSc (Hons). If you final mark is below 40%, you may attain an ordinary degree, indicated simply as BA or BSc (this may differ across university institutions).
Insurance Choice – This is an offer you accept as your second choice – just in case you don’t meet the conditions of your firm offer.
LLB (Ell-Ell-Bee) – A Law degree programme equivalent to a BA or BSc offered by UK universities offering a stepping-stone to becoming a solicitor or barrister.
MMath (Em-Math) – Master of Mathematics. Students who study an MMath course start as an undergraduate. They study for 4 or 5 years and are awarded a complete Masters degree when they graduate.
MChem (Em-kem) – Master of Chemistry. Students who study an MChem course start as an undergraduate. They study for 4 or 5 years and are awarded a complete Masters degree when they graduate.
MEng (Em-Enj) – Master of Engineering. Students who study MEng engineering courses start as an undergraduate. They study for 4 or 5 years and are awarded a complete Masters degree when they graduate.
These are courses which are often referred to as ‘Integrated Masters’ – where the masters qualification is integrated into your complete study. For more information about this, head to our dedicated webpage.
Offer Holders – These are students who have applied to study with us and are in receipt of either an Unconditional or Conditional Offer.
Personal ID/UCAS ID Number – A 10-digit number, used to identify students on UCAS. It is can also be referred to as a UCAS ID.
Pre-Departure – This is an online event (webinar) for international students to find out about everything they need to know before arriving in the UK to begin their studies.
Sandwich Degree – A sandwich degree is one which offers a year of practical experience in industry. This usually includes a work placement or internship between your second and third year of study.
Student Visa – A Student Route Visa allows international students to study in the UK. To be eligible for a Student Visa, you must have received a Confirmation of Acceptance for Studies (CAS).
Tariff – A system which allocates UCAS points based on a mathematical system using qualifications and grades to generate a total number of points. Certain courses will require a higher number of UCAS Points than others.
UCAS – The Universities and Colleges Admissions Services – in charge of everything to do with university applications and places.
UCAS Extra – UCAS Extra is the official process for late applications, those who have declined their offers, or have not received an offer yet.
Unconditional Offer – A university offer which does not have any conditions to meet. Once accepted, you will be guaranteed a place at the university and be ready for enrolment.
VIRS – This stand for the Volunteer & Internship Recognition Scheme (VIRS). This is a scheme ran by Northumbria Sport to recognise and reward the vital contribution that volunteers and interns make to student sport at Northumbria.
Find out more about the application process.
A Level – An exam taken after GCSEs in England and Wales by young people usually aged 17 or 18.
AS Level – An exam taken for the General Certificate of Education with a smaller course content than A level, it can either be taken as the first part of a full A level or as its own qualification.
T Level – A 2-year course which can be taken after GCSEs instead of A levels which is broadly equivalent to 3 A levels.
If you have any questions about anything covered in this jargon buster guide, or applying to Northumbria, you can reach out via our social channels where our team is on-hand to support you.
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