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Non Practice Placements

Welcome to our Non-Practice Placement pages. 

For some degrees at Northumbria a Placement is an optional extra whilst for others it is a compulsory component.  The non-practice based placement comes in a number of different guises with variations in terms of year of study, length, full-time/part-time, paid/unpaid, professionally accredited or non-professionally accredited.  

Our dedicated Placements Team provide you with comprehensive support before, and during the placement.  We’re here to help with all your placement needs.


Placement Support

To discuss your placement, your wider careers plans and aspirations, we are now offering specialist careers guidance, employability advice and careers clinic appointments via video chat and careers workshops online. We will be using MS Teams for these appointments and workshops. It will work in any browser on a PC/laptop and in mobiles and tablets.

  • Online appointments 
  • Book now

  • Current students: Please submit an enquiry via the Help and Support section of your Student Portal.  

Where to find further information

You can access help and support from our Placements Team. 

Also, use Careers and Employment Service resources to help you secure your placement. Go to Careers Online, your employability hub for activities such as the CV Builder, Interview Simulator and to practice psychometric tests to give you the competitive edge.

Thank you for your time in reading this important information. If you have any queries or concerns please contact the Placements Team.

Current Students - The Placements section within 'Help and Support' on your StudentPortal provides access to important information about non-practice placements and is where you can submit an enquiry to our Placements Team. You can search for Placements on NU TARGETconnect.


Practice-Based Placements

Different arrangements apply to students on programmes of study that include professional practice, for instance, in education, healthcare and social work where work placements are usually a compulsory part of the programme and are integrated in to the course structure. Practice placements are administered by our colleagues at Coach Lane Campus - please see their web-pages for further information. 

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