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You said... we did

The following changes were made based on feedback we received from you in the academic year 2021/2022 and Semester 1 2022/23

You said, in 2023 that you would like us to simplify and modernise the user experience of JobsOnline and Careers Online.

We have begun a programme of improvements to the look and feel of both systems. Work is underway to create a simpler experience and a more coherent Northumbria look. E-learning material has been made easier to locate. We are using your feedback in discussion with suppliers to improve both systems.


In feedback from IGNITE 20212 you said you would like us to make some specific changes to the programme. 

For IGNITE 23 we made the following changes:

  • Included an interview event focused on tips rather than students' experiences
  • Introduced a closing event to celebrate students' achievements


You said that you wanted more information about placements

Early in 2022, we built a placement tool in Careers Online which covers the entire placement process from preparing for your placement, finding opportunities and transitioning into the workplace, to reflecting on the skills and experience you have gained and enhancing your applications. Launched in Semester 2 2022, the placement tool is expected to have most impact from Semester 1 2023 when the majority of students are seeking placements 


You said that you would like greater clarity about the location in Student Central where appointments were held

We have added the room numbers for the appointments to the location information that appears in the appointment notifications.


You said that you wanted to be able to upload documents to Career Clinics.

It is already possible for supporting documents to be uploaded to Career Clinics. However, we have changed to wording to make it clear that you can add your CVs, cover letters, applications and personal statements when you book the appointment.


You said that you would like employers to set up a virtual lobby ahead of online networking events

An online lobby was implemented for the Graduate Jobs in Digital &Tech event, which took place on Monday 7th March 2022 and will be used for all similar events in future.

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