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Careers Support

We are now offering  a blended approach to specialist careers guidance, employability advice and careers clinic appointments via video chat and face to face on campus. We will be using Microsoft Teams for these appointments and look forward to seeing you.

Please book HERE  

We will be using Mirosoft Teams for these appointments and it will work in any browser on a PC/laptop.

Students based at London Campus

A Careers Adviser is available at London Campus. Students can email directly with questions and book appointments by emailing Your Careers.

Amsterdam Campus

Amsterdam students can access 1-1 support via telephone or online by speaking to Ask4Help. Booked appointments are available in Amsterdam at scheduled times through the year and are advertised in advance.

Support when you graduate

There's no time like the present and you should make the most of our services while you study.  We do offer access to 1-1 support for the first 5 years after you graduate. Our page, Information for graduates has full details.


Self-help resources

Access a range of resources to help you with your career planning, research, job search strategy and applications. Find information on student and graduate jobs and further study in the North East, UK or internationally.

  • Books - a collection of resources is based at City Campus Library and limited stock at Coach Lane Campus Library. Reference copies are available along with items you can borrow on your smartcard. 
  • Careers Online (opens in a new window) - resources on a variety of topics, including CVs & Job Applications, Interviews & Psychometric Tests, Job Hunting, Explore Options & Further Study, Research Careers Sectors, and Global Careers.
  • JobsOnline - sign up to view part-time, casual, graduate and volunteering opportunities. Registering is quick and easy and you’ll receive job alerts for new postings direct to your inbox.
  • Careers events - discover what’s now and next in the jobs market by visiting our careers fairs, workshops and employer talks. Find out about the culture of an organisation, meet recruiters face-to-face and stay one step ahead. 

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