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Brian Welsh

Bryan _welshOnce you had decided on postgraduate study, why did you decide on Newcastle Business School?

Having decided that an MBA was the most appropriate qualification for me, I researched a number of institutions which offered this course. I felt that Newcastle Business School offered the most suitable mix of teaching and
learning opportunities.

What was your favourite thing about your course?

Good quality teaching staff and the opportunity to debate during the sessions was very positive.

What was your favourite thing about Newcastle Business School?

Professional and friendly atmosphere, very positive lecturers and staff
members, Newcastle Business School was clearly fast-paced.

How would you describe the city of Newcastle as a place to live and study?

As a local to Newcastle, of course I am obliged to say it is the number one city
to study in the UK. As a new Londoner, I still have many fond memories of living and studying in Newcastle.

Please describe a fond or positive memory of your time at Newcastle Business School.

I still tell the story about the first year residential weekend on the Managing Self module. The first group session where we learned more about our personal Belbin profiles will stay with me for life (well, career–life anyway).

How was your relationship with the tutors/academics during your time at Newcastle Business School?

Very positive – I was nominated student representative for our course which brought me more into contact with senior management and lecturers. Whenever there were any issues, our concerns were listened to and acted upon.

Do you feel your postgraduate study has impacted upon your career?

From the very first session I was impressed by the learning experience that I experienced. One of the first modules encouraged a significant amount of self-reflection which allowed me the first opportunity to
see myself through others’ eyes. This allowed me to identify and work on my (business) shortcomings whilst allowing myself permission to not be perfect in every area, and ultimately to accept some of those shortcomings were not going to change (quickly). That has undoubtedly made me a more successful manager and leader and affected my career opportunities positively.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about postgraduate study?

Do it if at all possible; you will not regret it.

What advice would you give to someone thinking about studying at Northumbria University?

Try the lemon muffins in City Campus East – I still miss them.

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