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Bradley Wilton

Design for Industry

Design 1Where are you from?


Why did you choose Northumbria University, Newcastle?

I liked the city when I visited. The facilities were all modern and nice and the tutors knew what they were talking about.

What do you think of Newcastle and our region and what are your favourite things to do?

I like to go out with friends, go into Jesmond, go down to Ouseburn and try new things. There are always events on around Newcastle and it's great to try new things.

What has surprised you most about living in Newcastle and this region? What has impressed you most?

The friendliness of the locals - Whatever your problem when you're out and about there is always someone who can help.

Did you find Northumbria University welcoming? Was it easy to fit in?

The events within freshers week helped me make tonnes of new friends from all over the world. I still keep in contact with them now they have graduated and they are always coming to visit because they love Newcastle so much.

What have you enjoyed most about coming to Northumbria University?

The friendliness of the tutors and students. I couldn't think of a better environment to place yourself in, there is always lots of support on hand whenever you want it.Our whole course/design building has such a good rapport that you would rather come and sit in the studio 9-6 everyday just like a full time job just surrounded by friends and support.   

Who has helped you most since you came to Northumbria?

Tutors, friends and other students. I couldn't name just one person as everyone I have met whilst being in the region has influenced me greatly.

Who has inspired you most at Northumbria University?

To state just one of my tutors would be unfair. I have had great contact time with them all and they all have relevant information that needs to be listened to in order to get you where you want to be.

What is your favourite place on campus?

The design building. There is always someone you can talk to or sit with, the studios are always clean and well managed.

Have you joined any sports teams, clubs or been involved in any volunteer projects? Tells us about the highlights?

I am joint head of the fundraising committee for our final year show. We organise events, fundraisers and various other things to get everyone on our course involved from 1st to 4th years.

What is the best thing about your course?

The rapport between the students and the tutors. If you have a rubbish idea, we get told, but that's all about being a designer, learning to take criticism no matter what the outcome and developing upon it. If you have a personal problem you feel you can talk to any of the staff even if it's just to complain about your flatmate.

What are the most valuable lessons you have learnt to date?

Organise organise organise. If you don't you will get very behind with work, feel bad and generally not have a great experience.

What do you want to do in the future? What skills have you learned/improved that you think will be of most use in your future career?

I'm still not sure what I want to do in the future. I have a graduate contract signed with a company I have interned with but I'm keeping my options open at the moment. One of the most important skills I have learn it to treat everyone equal being nice to everyone gets your further than being selective about who you speak to.

Have you worked on any projects with businesses or been on a placement? What were your most memorable experiences?

I have carried out 2 sets of over 6 months worth of internships in the Newcastle whilst I have been studying, this was encouraged by the course and my tutors to gain valuable experience about what it's like to work in the real world and how to be professional. I feel these have greatly benefited myself and I can now use these skills in everyday life.

Have you taken up any opportunities to travel with your current course/undertake field trips? If so, please tell us about them.

Myself and a group of around 20 Design for Industry students travelled to New York on a design exploration trip. It was the best experience and when surrounded by your new friends it made it even better.

If you could offer some advice to students thinking of coming to study here what would you say?

Don't worry, when you get into halls you will meet friends that are all in the same position as yourselves and are equally wanting to have the best experience. Just be friendly and open and it will all come naturally.

How do you feel you have changed as a person since being at Northumbria University, Newcastle (e.g. confidence)?

I have become a lot more organised, more out there and generally a more open person due to meeting new people all the time.

If you had 3 words to sum up your time with us what would they be?

Exciting, New, Crazy-busy.

Would you recommend Northumbria University to a friend?

I would highly recommend Northumbria to a friend. Best decision I have made, always something going on and everyone is very friendly.

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