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Guy Taylor

Msc Clinical Exercise Physiology

Where are you from?

Whitby, United Kingdom

What undergraduate course did you study and where?

Applied Sport and Exercise Science, Northumbria Uni

Why did you decide to study a masters?

Whilst studying Sport and Exercise Science I found I enjoyed the modules focusing on how exercise affects health the most. I decided to study the masters in Clinical Exercise Physiology to allows me to greatly expand my knowledge in this area and to help start my career.

Why did you choose Northumbria University? Why did you choose your specific course?

I chose Northumbria after previously studying here and knowing that the teaching and facilities are top quality. I also really enjoyed living and studying in Newcastle.

What makes your specific course challenging/inspiring/different? How would you sum up the difference between Undergraduate and Postgraduate study?

Postgraduate study has a lot more freedom than undergraduate study. Assignments are left more open which allows you to focus on areas you are interested in, which leads to a lot more independent study.

What was it like studying at Northumbria? What are the different ways that you learn on your course?

The course involves a mixture of lectures and laboratory time. Our class is pretty small so lectures tend to be more like seminars with lots of discussions and questions asked. We have had a range of fascinating guest lecturers, who are experts in their fields, deliver talks on their research and subject areas.

What impressed you most about our academic staff?

They are all currently publishing interesting research.

How accessible do you find our staff? Do you feel at ease?

The staff are easy to contact and have lots of time for postgraduate students.

What doors do you think this course will open for you? How will your course help you achieve your career goals/give your career an edge?

The course has allowed me to focus on a subject area I'm interested in and open up careers in exercise and health professions that I don't believe I could have done before study Clinical Exercise Physiology.

Have you changed as a person?

I've become more confident in my abilities.

Do you feel that your course has been a worthwhile investment in your future?

Yes, definitely. 

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