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Cameron Shaw

Multidisciplinary Innovation

Where are you from?


What undergraduate course did you study and where?

Applied Computing at Northumbria.

Why did you decide to study a masters?

I decided to do a masters to gain real experience to fast track my career and move into a higher role. 

Why did you choose Northumbria university?  Why did you choose your specific course?

I joined MDI to gain real experience on projects with real clients that have high expectations to push my limits and learn knowledge of other disciplines.

What makes your course challenging/inspiring/different?  

The course is quite different as it is a self lead team working on real projects in a fast paced environment but with support if needed.

What was it like studying at Northumbria?

There are lectures from four different disciplines that have expert knowledge within their field that help to provide guidance within the projects.

How connected is your course with industry?  

The course is constantly working on real projects, with experts from all industries as lecturers but also guest experts come in frequently to discuss ideas with the students.

What impressed you most about our academic staff?

The staff's level of expertise but also how easy they are to get along with in a friendly manner.

How accessible do you find our staff?

Extremely, the head of the course is in the studio next door to our own.

As a postgraduate student, what aspects of university life are important to you?

The facilities are most important to me and within the course there are excellent facilities provided just for the MDI team.

What doors do you think this course will open for you?  

This course opens a lot of doors into the world of management and leadership but also gives an insight into other disciplines.

Have you changed as a person?

The course gives you an insight not only to other disciplines but to yourself and how you work. So yes a lot.

How would you describe yourself in 3 words before coming to Northumbria?  What are the 3 key skills and attributes you have gained since being here?

Before: naive, single disciplined and confident. Now: confident, multidisciplinary and analytical.

How would you describe Northumbria in 3 words?

Great facilities, great staff and an excellent course.

Do you feel that your course has been a worthwhile investment in your future?

Yes it will help immensely in anything I take on next.

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