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Leanne King

Nursing (Adult)

Bsc Adult Nursing Student Leanne KingWhere are you from?

Newton Aycliffe

Why did you choose Northumbria University, Newcastle?

I chose Northumbria University as the area which the university is based offers a lot of things to do such as shopping, eating out, nightlife and sight seeing. The course offered was also rated one of the best in the country and the quality of the course exceeded all other local universities.

What do you think of Newcastle and our region and what are your favourite things to do?

Newcastle is a beautiful city with a wide range of things to do. My favorite thing to do in Newcastle is to go shopping for the day, dine at a local restaurant and then go see a concert at O2 Academy Newcastle.

What has surprised you most about living in Newcastle and this region? What has impressed you most?

I was surprised about how diverse Newcastle is and the input of many different cultures to the city. In Newcastle there are a numerous amount of supermarkets offering wide ranges of food from all around the world. I was impressed by this.

Did you find Northumbria University welcoming? Was it easy to fit in?

I thought Northumbria University was extremely welcoming and I found it easy to fit in within my intake. People on my course are all different ages and have a lot of different experiences which can contribute into learning to enhance it.

What have you enjoyed most about coming to Northumbria University?

I have enjoyed my placements such as at Freeman Hospital. This is a great opportunity to have and seeing the multidisciplinary team work together is very beneficial to my learning in order to become a great nurse.

Who has helped you most since you came to Northumbria?

Sarah Graham is a lecturer who I feel has helped me the most since I have started Northumbria. Sarah will always have time for you, even if this is to just talk about general things. Sarah supported my whole GT with a viva exam we had and without Sarah I do not feel as if I would have done as well as I did. She is very generous and a great, relaxed lecturer to have.

Who has inspired you most at Northumbria University?

Guy Tucker has inspired me as he has achieved a QNI in community nursing.

What is your favourite place on campus?

My favourite place on campus is the upstairs eating area on the first floor of Coach Lane Campus.

What is the best thing about your course?

The best thing about my course is the fact that we are able to practice our skills whilst at University and then apply them to practice whilst on placement.

What are the most valuable lessons you have learnt to date?

The most valuable lessons I have learnt whilst at University is to always ask questions if you are unsure about something; this is extremely important in practice to ensure no mistakes are made which could be life threatening to patients.

What do you want to do in the future? What skills have you learned/improved that you think will be of most use in your future career?

In the future I would like to work in a hospital in the North East on a ward which I enjoy. I have learned a wide range of skills already at Northumbria University which can be used as a student nurse as well as when I am qualified and I believe all of these will be of use in my future career, this may include things such as reasons to give certain medications, how to perform vital observations as well as the art of noticing if something is wrong with your patient.

Have you worked on any projects with businesses or been on a placement? What were your most memorable experiences?

I have been on placement at the Freeman Hospital in Newcastle. This was an amazing learning opportunity and working within a team to treat patients was very rewarding. The most memorable experiences whilst on placement was spending an afternoon in surgery to see a chest drain being inserted. This opportunity was beneficial to my training and it is also something which people may not get a chance to see.

If you could offer some advice to students thinking of coming to study here what would you say?

I would advise students coming to study at Northumbria to get organised and get used of reading theoretical books which are relevant for their course.

How do you feel you have changed as a person since being at Northumbria University, Newcastle (e.g. confidence)?

I feel as if I am more confident as a person and my communication skills have improved whilst talking to patients. My academic writing skills have also improved as well as my referencing styles.

If you had 3 words to sum up your time with us what would they be?

Experience, memorable, opportunities.

Would you recommend Northumbria University to a friend?


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