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Lindsay Bewick

MSc International Development

MSc International Development _Student _Lindsey _BewickWhere are you from?


Are you currently in employment? What is it that you do?

I am currently a Research Scientist working for Procter & Gamble.

Why did you decide to study a Masters?

I decided my passion for philanthropy and working with the vulnerable and hard to reach should become my full time job. This is a huge career change for me, but I'm ready for the challenge and my Masters will provide me with the theory and grounding to complement what I already put into practice. I want to move into the field of Disaster Management.

Why are you studying part-time?

I am studying part time so that I can continue working full time and be able to pay my mortgage and course fees! It is hard to fit everything in around my work, family and other commitments but as I am super organised I can just about fit everything in. Outside of teaching time (3 hrs per week) I generally spend an extra 12 hours a week studying and reading in preparation for lectures. Usually done in 3 4 hours sessions in the library either in the evening or at weekends. When it comes to written assessment time I generally take a few days off work to relieve the pressure so I can concentrate fully on my essay.

Why Northumbria University?

While both Northumbria, Newcastle and The Open University offer my course, the fact that Northumbria offered it part time was a huge factor in my decision to study there. I also met with staff from both local universities and the staff at Northumbria were incredibly welcoming, striving to create a more family and inclusive atmosphere, leaving hierarchy at the door. This is a huge plus for me and has really made me felt included in the department even though I'm only Part Time.
I chose International Development in order to help me change careers from Scientific Research to Disaster Management.

What makes your course challenging?

The challenge for me is fitting my life and my commitments into 7 days a week and still making sure I have enough time and energy to devote to my family and friends.

What are the different ways that you learn on your course?

Contact time is currently 3-6pm involving lectures, group work/discussions, seminars with some guest speakers and some opportunity for practical work and short term placements.

How accessible do you find our staff? Do you feel at ease?

They are warm, friendly, caring and very inclusive. Even though they are all busy, they attend social events and always make time if I need to talk.

As a postgraduate, part-time student, what aspects of university life are important to you?

The flexibility it affords me to choose when to study outside of lectures- the on campus facilities are excellent. 24/7 library, onsite shops, eating places and sport central are a real plus.

What doors do you think this course will open for you? How will your course help you achieve your career goals/give your career an edge?

Absolutely. I'm more organised than ever even though I thought that wasn't possible. I'm more pragmatic, worldy wise, connected to current events and resourceful.

Have you changed as a person?

Before: Scientific, passionate, aspiring philanthropist. I've been able to add theory to what I already put into practice. I have become far more aware of the world and the implications of what we do- especially on developing nations. It has given me confidence that my decision to change my career is the right one, even though it is still a very scary thought.

Do you feel that your course has been a worthwhile investment in your future?

Absolutely, it is helping me make a huge leap towards my career goals and aspirations in life.

What is your advice to prospective students for your course?

Definitely attend an open day and/or have a meeting with the course director- you'll see in an instant what the atmosphere is like to give you a good idea of what the teaching style is like and just how welcoming and inclusive the staff are.

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