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Mohammed Abdullah Alnemer

BEng (Hons) Mechanical Engineering

I chose Northumbria…

 because it is one of the best universities in the UK and it was recommended to me by some colleagues. I have travelled to the UK many times before and my favourite cities are London, Newcastle and Manchester so I knew that I wanted to study in one of them and it really had to be Newcastle.


I really like Newcastle because…

it’s a really friendly and beautiful place. The people are all so friendly, at the University as well as in the city. I have been made to feel welcome everywhere and not treated like I’m any kind of foreigner. I really like the café and restaurant culture that there is here and the shopping is really good. I’m getting used to the weather because I find it slightly colder than the South of England!


I’m glad that I chose my particular course…

because it is complementary to engineering studies and the faculty staff are so willing to help. I missed some classes at one point and they were so helpful it was very easy for me to catch up again because they want to help you, they don’t want to see you struggling. They are always encouraging you to ask questions and the course and University really have matched all of my expectations.


If I was to advise anyone about coming to Northumbria University I would say...

please come. It is a great place to live and be a student. I have lived away from the city centre for some of my time here so far, where there are many other Muslim families, a school for children and a halal section in the nearby supermarket. I am hoping to move closer to the city centre in the near future to take in more of the Geordie culture!

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