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What will I learn on this module?
This module is the second of your programme's practice learning modules and enables you to build on your understanding of the physiological processes that you developed in year one. The theory and practice experiences you will encounter in this module will enable you to continue to work towards the required NMC Standards of Proficiency for Midwives.
In this module you will further your clinical knowledge and skills towards becoming ‘The Midwife as Skilled Practitioner’. This will enable you to support, care for and work in partnership with women through all aspects of the childbirth continuum, working to optimise normal physiological processes whilst having the skills to ulitise a focus on the ‘additional care skills’ that may be required within the maternity services and wider clinical settings. Building on existing knowledge of the normal physiology and the more common maladaptations to pregnancy, this module introduces you to emergency and high dependency scenarios within midwifery care. This is in keeping with the Framework for Quality Maternal and Newborn Care for all childbearing women and infants including those with complications. In addition, it addresses the Royal College of Anaesthetists' guidance for student midwives acquiring Enhanced Maternity Skills to prepare them for registration and to be able to provide appropriate care for women with complex needs; this contributes to enabling your programme to meet the EU directives around (a) recognising the warning signs of abnormality in the mother and taking emergency measures in the absence of a doctor and (b) carrying out treatment prescribed by doctors.
The emphasis of your learning will be to provide women-centred care in complex situations. For this you will need to develop your knowledge and skills in relation to human factors, patient safety, referral and decision-making, safeguarding, childbirth emergencies and develop your ability to recognise, diagnose and manage serious complications. These areas of practice require that you are able to understand and work across professional boundaries, recognising the impact of the context of care provision on the personal and professional skills you need to demonstrate in practice. There will be opportunities for peer coaching and simulation to develop these new skills.
There will be further development of skills introduced in year 1 including perineal care, suturing and episiotomy, and new skills such as cannulation and the Newborn and Infant Physical Examination (NIPE) are introduced. Simulation is used to develop the technical skill aspect of these skills, including rehearsing of additional care skills, focusing on their utilisation in complex, urgent and multidisciplinary contexts. Safe practice is embedded in the module as you revisit skills such as infection control and the management of medicines using SafeMedicate (or equivalent drug calculation/medicines management exam platform), develop your medicines knowledge to support your practice where women need pharmacological treatment, and record keeping in emergency contexts. Using case scenarios and reflection these will be applied to situations from your practice experience which include, for example, emergency and high dependency situations within midwifery care, peri and post-operative care, surgical birth and neonatal care as well as experiences gained from outside the maternity settings.
Preparation for placement, including preparation for being supervised and assessed, will be included in the module, as will appropriate personal and group reflection on practice experiences. You will work alongside clinical midwives and other health and social care professionals to fully experience the wider scope of care provision for women and their families who may have additional care needs.
How will I learn on this module?
This year long module provides you with the theoretical knowledge to enable learning from a diverse range of clinical learning contexts in which midwives are explicitly demonstrating the use of their midwifery proficiency skills. This is the second practice module in your programme and requires that you demonstrate that you can contribute to women's care with decreasing supervision and direction (SPM 1.1). In the clinical learning context this means that the interrelationship between the supervising midwife and the student midwife adapts as appropriate to the learning opportunities as the students' skills from year 1 develop during this year of the programme. This enables more participation and less observation where appropriate.
In order to support the application of theory into the practice context the module expects (a) flow from university learning into practice learning, for example, you will learn about and rehearse emergency maternity skills in a simulated environment; and (b) flow from practice learning into university learning, for example directed reflection on clinical experiences with exploration of the relevant theory and research/evidence base. There will be opportunities to learn from your real-life experiences and those of your peers as well as case scenarios applicable to your placement stream.
The use of simulated learning is integral throughout this module ranging from group role play/discussions, through to the use of high-fidelity Sim Mom and Sim Newbie to create ‘close to reality’ scenarios to promote skill and knowledge development.
Your completion of the Midwifery Ongoing Record of Achievement (MORA) continues in this module. You will draw on the experiences you are gaining in other modules to effectively manage your own learning and with the support of your Practice Assessor (PA) and Academic Assessor (AA), you will use the skills associated with being an empowered learner to interpret Practice Supervisor (PS) feedback and offer appropriate responses and actions. PSs will facilitate the learning identified by the PA, and AA, as relevant for this stage of your programme. It is expected that Universal Midwifery Skills are well developed.
In relation to your ongoing development as a professional, your skills and knowledge will be enhanced and applied to the expectations of the NMC Code. In order to provide care in complex situations you will develop your knowledge and skills in relation to patient safety, referral and decision-making. These areas of practice require that you are able to understand and collaboratively work across professional boundaries, recognising the impact of the context of care provision on the personal and professional leadership skills you need to demonstrate in practice.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
As with all modules on the programme, successful achievement requires a robust system of support and guidance to help focus your learning needs. You will be supported in both the academic and practice learning environments. In university, lecturers and personal tutors will continue to provide you with support to develop your academic and clinical skills. In clinical practice, your Practice Assessor, Practice Supervisors and Academic Assessors will guide and support you to identify your learning needs to support and prepare you to meet the learning outcomes that will be assessed.
The University’s Electronic Learning Platform (eLP), Blackboard Ultra, offers remote access to learning materials used by tutors and signposts you to a range of resources that complement and reinforce face-to-face learning. The University Library can help you enhance your learning skills, including academic writing, academic reading, searching, and referencing. You can access the interactive training via the library webpages or the following link: http://library.northumbria.ac.uk/learning-skills In addition, the module team will provide group tutorials at relevant points in the year, and respond to questions via the eLP and MORA e-folio workspace, so that the whole group, and their practice learning teams (Practice Assessors and Practice Supervisors) can benefit.
Ask4Help online (accessed through your student portal) provides a comprehensive range of answers to frequently asked questions and is of benefit to students as a central point of reference for information about many different topics. Ask4Help face to face service points are located at Coach Lane Library (ground floor).
What will I be expected to read on this module?
All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.
What will I be expected to achieve?
You will be expected to:
Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Debate and systematically apply the relevant theory that underpins care practices through which midwives may meet the needs of women who require additional care and or emergency care across the childbirth continuum.
2. Develop a comprehensive body of knowledge and practical understanding to ensure the wellbeing the fetus/neonate, including when challenges, complications or long-term conditions are present.
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
3. Work more independently to perform a variety of specified clinical skills safely and effectively.
4. Critique the role of the midwife in maintaining a safe and supportive environment for women and infants experiencing complex care pathways.
5. Formulate one’s own knowledge and develop new skills to a high level through the use of critical self-reflection to develop safe medicines practice, including the required numeracy skills.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
6. Critically reflect upon your ability to communicate with women, families and members of the multidisciplinary team in challenging circumstances.
7. Debate the principles of ethical and professional midwifery practice whilst adhering to the NMC Code.
How will I be assessed?
Formative assessment:
You will be given ongoing feedback from tutors during skills teaching, practicals and tutorials, and peer feedback is encouraged. Online learning materials, relating to childbirth emergencies, pathophysiology and high dependency care and medicines management will enable you to self-assess your learning needs.
You will be guided to consider the evidence required to inform the practice assessment. In the clinical area, formal formative review of your progress by your Practice Supervisors and Practice Assessor is embedded within the MORA.
Summative Assessment:
1. 30 minute Observed Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) (100%)
Demonstration of the skills required for the effective management of a range of childbirth emergencies.
(MLO’s 1, 3, 4, 6, 7)
2. 60 minute SafeMedicate exam (or equivalent drug calculation/medicines management exam platform) (pass/fail)
(MLO 5)
3. Completion of MORA (pass/fail)
Practice evidence that MORA has been completed for Domain 6 proficiencies relevant to this stage in the programme (ALL MLOs).
Written feedback for the OSCE will be provided via Turnitin.
Module abstract
Building on the skills and knowledge developed in year one and applying your theoretical learning from this and other modules, you will be able to demonstrate and discuss the care required to monitor the wellbeing of a woman and her fetus/neonate when challenges, emergencies, complications or long-term conditions are present. You will have the opportunity to work across professional boundaries, in providing care in hospital-based services for those with additional needs; this will include transitional care of the neonate. As midwives are pivotal in organising and referring women to the appropriate health professionals, learning in this module will enable you to identify deviations from the normal, institute emergency measures and/or refer to other professionals, and work collaboratively with the multidisciplinary team to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the women and their babies.
Course info
Credits 30
Level of Study Postgraduate
Mode of Study 3 years Full Time
Department Nursing, Midwifery & Health
Location Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
City Newcastle
Start January 2026
All information is accurate at the time of sharing.
Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.
Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.
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