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What will I learn on this module?
In this module you will develop further depth and breadth of knowledge and understanding of additional physical, psychological and social (SPM 4.1) care needs that may arise throughout pregnancy and childbirth. You will have the opportunity to apply and analyse the implications of these additional care needs in the context of clinical practice, including first line assessment, management, (SPM 4.8) support, and care for the women, Newborn infants and their families. The interdisciplinary roles of professionals (SPM 2.11), multiagency teams and care pathways (SPM 4.11) involved when additional care needs arise will be explored with emphasis on the midwife’s role. You will study a range of evidence based (SPM 4.6) subjects to facilitate this learning and your development as a practitioner.
The module will analyse relevant epidemiological data (SPM 4.2) e.g., MBRRACE Reports to identify significant additional care needs that may affect women, newborn infants and their families and the subsequent implications for the midwife's role.
Examples of these additional needs include:
· Conditions arising during pregnancy such as, multiple pregnancy, pre-eclampsia, polyhydramnios
· Complications of labour and birth e.g., malposition, malpresentation, postpartum haemorrhage, postnatal depression, jaundice and infection in the neonate.
· Pre-existing medical conditions e.g., hypertension, cardiac disorders, diabetes, cervical cancer, epilepsy, mental ill health e.g. pre-existing depression,
· Aspects of public health e.g., Impact and management of obesity (SPM 4.3)
Related pathophysiology will be explored throughout with consideration of the impact of the additional need on pregnancy and the impact of pregnancy on the additional need. You will further develop skills in holistic and physical assessment (SPM 4.6) methods to enable the recognition of deterioration, referral, and escalation (SPM 4.6), along with the role of the midwife in continuity and co-ordination of care (SPM 2.11), including advocacy for women and newborn infants (SPM 4.10) with additional needs.
How will I learn on this module?
You will learn through a combination of lectures, seminars, practical simulation, directed and independent study. Activities will be blended to create a mix of face to face and online activities supported by the University’s Electronic Learning Platform (eLP) Blackboard Ultra. Lectures will introduce key concepts in relation to pathophysiology, midwifery assessment, screening and care planning, public health and ill health creating additional needs for women and babies. Concepts will then be further explored within seminars which will be smaller group sessions designed to facilitate collaborative learning developing your inquiry and communication skills and signpost further reading and learning activities. Again, the service user experience in relation to additional care needs will be integral to the module, for example through women talking about their experience of long-term health conditions. Clinical skills sessions will also be in smaller groups to facilitate skill development and refection, peer support and feedback through experiential approaches to learning. A range of resources will be used to continue to develop your evidence searching and retrieval skills, including technology enhanced learning. You will have on-going access to the University library and the digital resources to support your academic development, as well as access to simulation equipment to enhance your learning. A fundamental aspect of learning on the module will come from self-reflection of your own academic and professional development supported by your personal tutor.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
The academic staff involved in delivering this module will provide guidance and academic counselling to ensure that you are able to confidently engage with the module content. Learning materials, including directed and e-learning will be made available on the eLP. Seminars and clinical simulation sessions will form an opportunity for lecturer and peer support and feedback throughout the module. Formative feedback will be available to enable you to review your learning in a safe and supportive environment, and a group tutorial will further support preparation for the module assessment.
The student support and wellbeing service at Northumbria are excellent points of contact for assistance for queries regarding disability, faith, counselling, mental health support, finance and welfare issues. You can access these services via email on your student portal, by telephone or through the help desk staff based within university libraries.
What will I be expected to read on this module?
All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.
What will I be expected to achieve?
Knowledge & Understanding:
1. Identify and discuss the additional physiological, psychological and sociological care needs e.g., pre-existing medical conditions and conditions arising during pregnancy, which may emerge for women and neonates throughout the childbirth continuum.
2. Analyse evidence and theories which may underpin and develop care for women and neonates with additional needs
Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
3. Examine the midwife’s role in coordinating care and in assessing, screening, planning, implementing and evaluating care tailored to pregnant women and their families with additional care needs
4. Critique the role of the midwife in relation to managing additional needs in childbirth, referral and escalation whilst caring for women with additional and high dependency needs.
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
5. Explore and reflect upon your personal capabilities and interpersonal skills to enable engagement with diverse client groups and the wider health care professional team, during difficult/stressful situations.
How will I be assessed?
Formative assessment: Peer and facilitator feedback in seminars, debrief and reflection following clinical simulation sessions, on-line quizzes and guided study options e.g., directed learning packages.
Summative assessment,
3,000-word essay submitted electronically
Exploration of an additional care need for a woman and her family in the childbirth continuum, with analysis of the underpinning evidence and reference to the role of the midwife in the coordination of care (100%). (MLO 1, 2, 3, 4, 5)
Feedback through ESAF platform via marking rubric and qualitative feedforward comments
Module abstract
This year two module introduces you to new, and further develops, existing knowledge and understanding of additional care needs that women, neonates and families may encounter throughout the childbirth continuum. The module will explore a variety of additional needs and their application to the role of the midwife in assessment and care, developing confidence and competence around effective collaborative working and inter-disciplinary practice. You will be supported to critically analyse the evidence base for practice around additional care needs and to apply this clinically and theoretically to deliver safe effective practice to women in such circumstances.
Course info
UCAS Code B725
Credits 20
Level of Study Undergraduate
Mode of Study 3 years Full Time (45 weeks per year)
Department Nursing, Midwifery & Health
Location Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University
City Newcastle
Start September 2025 or September 2026
All information is accurate at the time of sharing.
Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.
Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.
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