What can I move on to after my foundation course?
The Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering Foundation Year is specifically designed to lead into our undergraduate courses within the department. The content of the modules provides a blend of the characteristics of the degrees available for you to study.
The foundation year will allow you to develop fundamental knowledge and skills, such as problem solving, communication and IT tools that will transfer into your undergraduate degree and future career. In addition to the research and practical skills you will learn, you will also leave with enhanced data analysis, computer modelling and communication skills.
Employability and research experience is enhanced during the laboratory sessions, class assessments and exams, and you will be encouraged to apply the knowledge and skills learnt from lectures, seminars, laboratories and independent learning to solve problem-based questions.
The skills you will have acquired on the Foundation Year in Mathematics Physics and Electrical Engineering course will provide a strong foundation for your future studies and are immediately useful to future employers, both within the UK and overseas. Our academic staff’s industrial experience, consultancy or personal research interests feed into the course curriculum, allowing the knowledge and skills that you acquire to meet the needs for practical application in real-world scenarios.
Completion of your subsequent undergraduate degree will help to prepare you for future employment or the progression to further education or Master’s level courses.