NX9313 - Leadership and Management in Professional Practice Project

What will I learn on this module?

How are businesses organised and who is responsible for this? How do both leaders and managers contribute in their own way to the collective performance of a business organisation?

In particular, the functions of management are to: Set objectives/targets for individuals, teams and larger work units; make day-to-day decisions, especially in relation to staff recruitment, costing projects and budgeting for the future; reviewing individual and collective performance and planning for the future.

For leaders, you will explore how their role is primarily concerned with changing the emotional state of colleagues through inspiration, concern and authentic commitment. You will also consider how poor leadership is manifested and study examples of how poor leadership impacts on others and the wider organisation. You will gain an understanding of differing views of leadership and what models (Transactional; Transformational, Authentic, Distributed) have been put forward to explain its practice in the real world.

As a result of studying this module, you will have a foundation for later study in your undergraduate degree and understand the benefits of effective leadership and management for business organisations.

How will I learn on this module?

The module involves one weekly lecture in which the core subject content and learning materials will be presented. You should organise your time to re-read lecture notes and reflect on the content, especially any new theoretical models and terms. Examples of leaders and managers are ever-present in our daily lives and dominate the news. Think about what you learn in the module and what you see in the real world.

Northumbria University aims to provide you with an enriching learning journey through your studies and will support you in your learning through a variety of learning methodologies, including online and blended learning. All modules resources will be available online should you not be able to access campus, and the University has one of the largest collections of e-learning materials in the UK. This is an example of how the University is anticipating the future, and how you may wish to access learning materials. You will engage with tutors via email and through Blackboard’s Collaborative online video-conferencing facility. The discussion board on Blackboard will enable you to share your ideas and learn from others. Learning in an online environment can be very enjoyable and stimulating.

The Foundation Programme is designed to promote your independent research-rich skills. You will be expected to read beyond the reading list and extend your understanding through research using academic journals, text-books and electronic resources in the Library. You will also participate in paired/group-work that is aimed to develop your team-working and interpersonal skills as a future manager. The learning philosophy of the Programme is influenced by an inquiry-based independent research approach which is both enjoyable and stimulating. Whereas many students may have been told what to do at school or college, we aim to encourage you to become much more independent and control the way you learn and that fits into your own personal; preferences. We recognise that you are an adult and wish to prepare for your future, so we place great emphasis on you developing your own personal responsibility as a learner. This means that instead of relying on your tutor to tell you what to do, you engage proactively with your tutors and discuss what possible approaches are available, what resources could be used and then take control of your learning. For example, you will be required to manage your own reading and note-taking, as well as planning your schedule for study. As part of the research-rich approach (i.e. research oriented), you will be expected to apply theory to a real world context and be able to make linkages between what you have read and what you see in practice. Much of the literature on management development refers to the volatile and uncertain world we now work in, in order to prepare you for your future in management, we want you to become much more independent in learning and able to respond imaginatively to change. This is a key life-skill that we will promote here at Northumbria. You will be encouraged to undertake independent research and develop the skills associated with being a research-rich, lifelong learner. You should plan to undertake at least 10 hours independent reading and note-making each week for this module.

You should take on board the formative and summative comments from staff and identify your own action points as you progress through the Programme. We would like you to see assessment in wider terms of learning, not just a mark on a piece of paper. Assessment is important in changing our ideas and helping us move in a better direction, so take on board formative comments during seminars and reflect on those comments on your summative assignment. It is important that you see each assignment as an opportunity to build your confidence as well as knowledge.

A Teaching and Learning Plan is accessible through the Blackboard module site. Blackboard is a highly developed and useful virtual learning environment that is an important way of accessing materials as well as communication. You will be able to download lecture note, post thoughts to a discussion board and have access through announcements to the latest news. It is vitally important that you keep informed and check both the Programme and module sites several times a week.

You will also have a weekly two-hour seminar that will reinforce the concepts introduced in the preceding week’s lectures. You will learn with others in a variety of ways and that are intended to develop your inter-personal, negotiation and leadership skills.

How will I be supported academically on this module?

Academic staff are drawn from a range of disciplines within the Newcastle Business School, many of whom have expertise in Leadership, Management and Business Practice. Many have extensive professional experience as a leader and/or a manager in a busy organisation that they can usefully bring to your learning experience.

Lectures provide an overview of the subject content and materials are accessible on the module site so that you can re-visit the lecture and consolidate your understanding. In addition, weekly seminars follow-on from the theme introduced in the lecture and develop ideas in greater depth through interactive group-work and discussion. Seminars are integral to your learning experience and enable you to learn with others. The nature of the assignment and suggestions on how best to tackle it are provided in the dedicated assignment surgery seminar.

Blackboard Ultra is central to your learning journey as it is a one-stop location for resources and guidance. For example, in addition to lecture notes and guidance on the assignment, Blackboard stores a range of electronic resources and hosts a discussion board where you can share ideas with staff and students. In addition, the module Online Reading List can be reached through Blackboard.

You will also receive news from the University through Apps on your smartphone. Please ensure that you download the Apps that are advertised by the University and check what is happening across the University and how these may affect you and your studies on a regular basis.

In addition to the Module tutor and Programme Leader, help is also available through your own dedicated Personal Tutor. The role of your Personal Tutor is to support you beyond your module studies and provide guidance on how you can access support across the University when you have a problem. You should liaise with your Personal Tutor several times in each semester.

It is important that if you have any learning disability or suffer from ill-health, then you obtain the necessary permission from the University for additional support with a Student Accessibility Plan (SAP). You should liaise with Student Support and Well-being in your first few weeks at University.

What will I be expected to read on this module?

All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.

What will I be expected to achieve?

Knowledge & Understanding:

ML01: Explain the differences between management and leadership

ML02: Explain how management and leadership approaches can be applied and adapted in different work based situations

Intellectual / Professional skills & abilities:
ML03: Explain the role of the manager in communicating organisational strategy to individuals and teams

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):

ML04: Explain the factors which influence an organisation’s culture

ML05: Explain the purpose of organisational mission, vision and value statements

How will I be assessed?

The module will comprise both formative and summative assessment.

For formative assessment, you will engage with staff and your peers in discussion about how best to apply the principles of responsible management. You will collect a range of academic and professional sources that will inform your research. You will share this research with your seminar tutor and together discuss how this is supporting your development as a future manager.

Summative assessment is divided into two parts within a single component of assessment.

The first part of the component:
You will submit through Turnitin prior to the deadline a 2,000-word Extended Essay that demonstrates how well you have interpreted core leadership and management theory and practices. This Extended Essay is intended to address Module Learning Outcomes that are concerned with an understanding of Leadership and Management practice and how this could be improved in line with the principles of responsible management, namely MLO1; MLO3; MLO4 and MLO5.

The second part of the component:
You will produce a 500 word Professional Reflective Learning Log that will record how you interpret the issues discussed in this module and how these could be best addressed in professional practice. You will engage with other students in discussion and reflect on the implications of your research, particularly in relation to your understanding of responsible management practice. You will liaise with your seminar tutor and other staff throughout the production of the Professional Reflective Learning Log. This log will cover Module Learning Outcome MLO2.





Module abstract

This module aims to provide an introduction to leadership and management within a business environment. As an introduction, this module will aim to identify and elaborate on the nature of leadership and managerial work and how each contributes to organisational performance. This module is informed by a number of key questions:
• What do we understand leadership and management to be? What are their functions? (using Kotter’s typology)
• In what ways is leadership / management conceptualised? (Tannenbaum Schmidt continuum; the Blake Mouton grid; Kotter’s typology)
• How has the concept of leadership changed over time? (From Great Man Theory to ethical forms of leadership)
• Why is leadership viewed as central to organisational life and performance? (How do leaders and managers contribute to making decisions?)
• An evaluation of differing models of leadership (Transactional; Transformational, Authentic, Distributed)
• How do leaders and managers interact with different types of stakeholder?
• Although theory informs your learning, you will also learn through case studies of contemporary business practice and explore issues relating to management practice. You will learn through a variety of ways that are aimed to develop your independent research skills as well as your ways of working with others, which are vital to your future career in Business.

Course info

UCAS Code N765

Credits 20

Level of Study Undergraduate

Mode of Study 1 year Full Time followed by a further 3 years Full Time or 4 years with a placement (sandwich)/study abroad

Department Newcastle Business School

Location City Campus, Northumbria University

City Newcastle

Start September 2025 or September 2026

Fee Information

Module Information

All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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