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The Bachelor of Science Nursing is offered in Singapore through the University’s partnership with Kaplan Higher Education.  The programme is built around the contemporary needs of nursing professionals in the context of Singapore.  It supports the ongoing development of Registered Nurses and is complementary, and incorporates, key Singapore Nursing Board (SNB) guidance and regulations.

Throughout the programme you will be taught by Northumbria University staff with expertise within their subject specialism and who have experience of teaching international based and UK home based students. All teaching faculty are level one registrants (nurses) with the Nursing and Midwifery Council in the UK. Some staff are also registered with the Singapore Nursing Board as per their requirements. In some instances, local experts may be used to support Northumbria staff in class, particularly where local knowledge or contextualisation will improve your experience.  

If you would like to apply or for further information please visit the Kaplan website. For any specific queries relating directly to Northumbria please contact 

Course Information

Level of Study

Mode of Study
2 years Part Time



January and June intakes

Fee Information

Module Information

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* At Northumbria we are strongly committed to protecting the privacy of personal data. To view the University’s Privacy Notice please click here


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

AC6741 -

Research as Evidence for Nursing Practice (10 Credits)

This module occurs in Year 1 Semester 1 of the BSc Nursing Programme. In this module you will be supported and encouraged to engage with published research and other types of evidence that inform nursing practices. You will be given the opportunity to explore research terminology, methodologies and methods through the consideration of relevant research studies in an Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) approach. The aims of the module will be to support and develop your knowledge about research to increase your confidence as a consumer of the research evidence underpinning nursing practice. Skills will be developed that allow appreciation of the variety of approaches used in healthcare research and you will be able to critically examine the quality of research and discuss the value within your nursing practice.

On this module you will explore the following topic areas:

* Life-Long Learning and Professional Practice: The introduction of evidence to inform nursing practice. Ethical issues in research.
* Research methodological approaches and their value to nursing and healthcare practice: methodologies and methods used in research. Critical evaluation / appreciation of research quality.
*Qualitative approaches to research exploring qualitative methodology, analysis and interpretation of qualitative evidence and its strengths or weaknesses.
*Quantitative approaches to research, common statistical tests and tools, analysis and interpretation of quantitative statistics and their application
*Mixed method approaches, understanding the place for this approach in research, strengths and applications.
*Data Management and Metrics: Research Governance, ethics and protecting vulnerable people.
*Evidence Based Practice: This will include debate around the hierarchies of research evidence and the production of protocols and guidelines that inform nursing practice.

This module will enable you to develop life-long learning skills that will benefit your future career pathway in nursing.

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AC6742 -

Innovations in Healthcare (10 Credits)

On this semester 1 level 6 module you will explore and critically analyse the contribution made by technology and innovation to screening, diagnosis and treatment and the impact these processes have on patients of all ages, families, and communities. Using a person-centred approach, your studies will include an overview of determinants of health, including health literacy / digital health literacy, learning from events and the influence these may have upon the application of innovations for contemporary practice in Singapore. An important part of practising in a contemporary manner is to share your knowledge, therefore you will also learn how to communicate effectively to professional audiences. In so doing you will come to recognise the impact potential of the Registered Nurse as a member of a global community of practice. The module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will bring this learning together; using the information sourced you will produce a conference style poster discussing an innovation for healthcare in your area, and you will write a supporting summary conference abstract.

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AC6743 -

Teaching and Learning (10 Credits)

On this semester 2 level 6 module you will explore a variety of approaches to supporting effective teaching, learning and assessment in a professional practice context. With an emphasis on multi professional and interprofessional working, it will support you to develop a detailed understanding of how to plan, deliver and evaluate high quality, inclusive learning opportunities in your area of practice. You will practice locating, evaluating and applying evidence related to teaching and learning in the context appropriate to nursing practice and demonstrate leadership to benefit patients and healthcare services.

You will further develop a critical understanding of the value of reflection and interpersonal skills conducive to the learning environment and context. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to learning, equality of opportunity and student-centred learning. A reflexive approach will help you collaborate effectively, and to support nursing peers by becoming members of a Learning Community within a multi-cultural study environment. An important part of consolidating teaching and learning knowledge is to share your knowledge. This teaching and learning module will explore theories related to communicating effectively to learners and the wider team. By engaging with this process, you will come to recognise the impact potential of the Registered Nurse as a member of a global community of practice. Knowledge learnt during this module will help you develop independent learning skills and knowledge required to support learners in innovative practice therefore creating lifelong learners.

You will be assessed using both formative and summative assessments. The formative assessment will be in the form of a peer presentation outlining the focus of your educational initiative. The module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will bring this learning together; using the information sourced and a pre-defined template, you will produce a reflective lesson plan of an intended learning opportunity for delivery to students to demonstrate your development as an educationalist in practice.

Module Topics
• Adult learning theories
• Teaching and learning in practice
• Supporting learners and promoting self-directed learning
• Critical reflection and the reflexive teacher
• Communication approaches for offering feedback
• Undertaking assessments with learners
• Giving and receiving feedback
• Mentoring, supervision and coaching

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AC6744 -

Health Promotion (10 Credits)

On this Year 1 semester 2 level 6 module you will explore public health from within your current nursing context. You will come to appreciate that public health may require nurses to work with individuals, families, communities and professionals from a range of disciplines within and outside the health sector. To achieve this you will critically analyse the roles of different professionals so that you understand how this can strengthen your patient-centred care and support your delivery of health improvement projects relevant to your area of practice.

This module aims to develop understanding of fundamental public health concepts as applied to nursing; critical awareness of key public health issues relevant to your context; and consolidate assessment, communication, including solution focused therapy, multi-professional team working, and evaluation skills relevant to nurses.

On this module you will explore the following topic areas:

• The role of nurses in public health
• Research the information you need to describe the health status of your service population and profile their health needs.
• Screening for health improvement
• The importance of multidisciplinary working to support public health
• The importance of patients, families and carers involvement to support health improvement
• Consider how clinical audit can identify ways of improving services or patient outcomes to improve health.
• The practical application of health promotion approaches
• The role of the nurse in advocacy and solution focused therapy in promoting health and wellbeing. This will support people to make healthy choices, reduce health inequalities, and prevent people dying prematurely.

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AC6745 -

Healthcare Law and Ethics (10 Credits)

On this year 2 level 6 module you will learn how to use tools and techniques to source information about health law and ethics in Singapore and the wider global context. Central to this will be to learn to use Northumbria University technology and information sourcing resources. You will explore your personal beliefs and values, morals and ethics and how these create unconscious bias. This will then be related to your professional practice. Your studies will include discussions regarding Singapore health law and legislation as it applies to your Practice. Ethics and values form an important part of holistic and person-centred care, and these will be debated throughout the module to enable you to justify your own decision making in Practice. The module will culminate in the submission of a 1500-word essay exploring how the module topics relate to your own Practice. The list of topics to be covered is as follows.

The role of values and beliefs, morals, and ethics in modern healthcare, including unconscious bias
Professional boundaries
Capacity and consent
End of life care including advanced directives
Fitness to practice
Current ethical dilemmas in Singapore
Overcoming and learning from ethical challenges in practice

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AC6746 -

Nursing Older People with Complex Needs (10 Credits)

During this module you will develop knowledge and understanding of the complex needs of older people within the context of health and social care in Singapore. Exploration of theories of ageing and reflection upon professional values, attitudes and behaviours will support your understanding of the ageing process. You will develop an appreciation of the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach in the assessment, management and ongoing support for older people and their families and carers. The module will develop your knowledge and competence in nursing older people across health and life continua: from living well, acute illness, intermediate care, frailty, ongoing long-term care to end of life, providing understanding of significant issues at transitional points.
You will be enabled to deliver safe, effective care by the development of robust clinical decision making through comprehensive evidence-based assessments, including risk.
The module will require you to critically appraise relevant theory, political drivers and empirical research in relation to ageing and gerontological nursing, seeking to explore its application to health and care management to meet the diverse needs of people in later life.
Aligned to the ethos of caring for older people, key module topics include: -
• Living better in later life
• The Aging Processes
• Dementia
• Delirium
• Nursing Assessment and Management
• Medicine management
• Collaboration and multidisciplinary team working
• End of life care

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AC6748 -

Leading and Developing Practice (10 Credits)

On this module you will learn about the different approaches to leadership within the professional practice literature and how this can be applied to your own practice. You will be given time to assess your own leadership style and preferences.

This module will help you to develop and consolidate skills, attitudes and behaviours that you have developed throughout the programme. You will have the opportunity to become immersed in the culture of continuous improvement and invest in leadership development workshops. Alongside this you will explore metrics, measurements and improvement methodologies to enable developments in practice that will deliver measurable and sustainable outcomes. Developing practice is a contemporary role for all Graduate Nurses and it will be important for you to appreciate the variables at play in any attempt to lead and manage change.

On this module you will learn about the key components of practice development which include:
• Introduction to leadership and practice development
• Leadership
• Change theory and management for services
• PDSA cycle
• Culture and communication of change in practice
• Tools, techniques and metrics for practice
• Organisational collaboration and sustainability
• Practice leadership and role negotiation

This module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will be able to bring all this learning together and write a practice development proposal. This will be on a subject that you can chose for yourself. Guidance will be provided by academic staff.

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AC6777 -

Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making (10 Credits)

This year 2 level 6 module will develop your skills and knowledge base in relation to holistic health and nursing assessment skills.
This module aims to develop you as practitioners by increasing your ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations. This module will build upon your previous experience, knowledge and skills of holistic health and nursing assessment, and will enhance your development of clinical decision-making. Nursing assessment will underpin your skills and knowledge development through the use of evidence-based practice, frameworks and models.
Throughout this module you will be provided with the opportunity to critically explore and discuss the assessment principles, which include the cultural and ethical consideration and how they link to patient care and clinical decision making to promote health.
Opportunities for personal and professional reflection for continued professional development with regards to your knowledge on health and assessment skills will also be provided. You will be encouraged to complete structured reflections, allowing your current and developing knowledge to be assimilated, thus enhancing your professional capabilities.

More information


Module information is indicative and is reviewed annually therefore may be subject to change. Applicants will be informed if there are any changes.

AC6741 -

Research as Evidence for Nursing Practice (10 Credits)

This module occurs in Year 1 Semester 1 of the BSc Nursing Programme. In this module you will be supported and encouraged to engage with published research and other types of evidence that inform nursing practices. You will be given the opportunity to explore research terminology, methodologies and methods through the consideration of relevant research studies in an Enquiry Based Learning (EBL) approach. The aims of the module will be to support and develop your knowledge about research to increase your confidence as a consumer of the research evidence underpinning nursing practice. Skills will be developed that allow appreciation of the variety of approaches used in healthcare research and you will be able to critically examine the quality of research and discuss the value within your nursing practice.

On this module you will explore the following topic areas:

* Life-Long Learning and Professional Practice: The introduction of evidence to inform nursing practice. Ethical issues in research.
* Research methodological approaches and their value to nursing and healthcare practice: methodologies and methods used in research. Critical evaluation / appreciation of research quality.
*Qualitative approaches to research exploring qualitative methodology, analysis and interpretation of qualitative evidence and its strengths or weaknesses.
*Quantitative approaches to research, common statistical tests and tools, analysis and interpretation of quantitative statistics and their application
*Mixed method approaches, understanding the place for this approach in research, strengths and applications.
*Data Management and Metrics: Research Governance, ethics and protecting vulnerable people.
*Evidence Based Practice: This will include debate around the hierarchies of research evidence and the production of protocols and guidelines that inform nursing practice.

This module will enable you to develop life-long learning skills that will benefit your future career pathway in nursing.

More information

AC6742 -

Innovations in Healthcare (10 Credits)

On this semester 1 level 6 module you will explore and critically analyse the contribution made by technology and innovation to screening, diagnosis and treatment and the impact these processes have on patients of all ages, families, and communities. Using a person-centred approach, your studies will include an overview of determinants of health, including health literacy / digital health literacy, learning from events and the influence these may have upon the application of innovations for contemporary practice in Singapore. An important part of practising in a contemporary manner is to share your knowledge, therefore you will also learn how to communicate effectively to professional audiences. In so doing you will come to recognise the impact potential of the Registered Nurse as a member of a global community of practice. The module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will bring this learning together; using the information sourced you will produce a conference style poster discussing an innovation for healthcare in your area, and you will write a supporting summary conference abstract.

More information

AC6743 -

Teaching and Learning (10 Credits)

On this semester 2 level 6 module you will explore a variety of approaches to supporting effective teaching, learning and assessment in a professional practice context. With an emphasis on multi professional and interprofessional working, it will support you to develop a detailed understanding of how to plan, deliver and evaluate high quality, inclusive learning opportunities in your area of practice. You will practice locating, evaluating and applying evidence related to teaching and learning in the context appropriate to nursing practice and demonstrate leadership to benefit patients and healthcare services.

You will further develop a critical understanding of the value of reflection and interpersonal skills conducive to the learning environment and context. This will include a critical analysis of the barriers and enablers to learning, equality of opportunity and student-centred learning. A reflexive approach will help you collaborate effectively, and to support nursing peers by becoming members of a Learning Community within a multi-cultural study environment. An important part of consolidating teaching and learning knowledge is to share your knowledge. This teaching and learning module will explore theories related to communicating effectively to learners and the wider team. By engaging with this process, you will come to recognise the impact potential of the Registered Nurse as a member of a global community of practice. Knowledge learnt during this module will help you develop independent learning skills and knowledge required to support learners in innovative practice therefore creating lifelong learners.

You will be assessed using both formative and summative assessments. The formative assessment will be in the form of a peer presentation outlining the focus of your educational initiative. The module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will bring this learning together; using the information sourced and a pre-defined template, you will produce a reflective lesson plan of an intended learning opportunity for delivery to students to demonstrate your development as an educationalist in practice.

Module Topics
• Adult learning theories
• Teaching and learning in practice
• Supporting learners and promoting self-directed learning
• Critical reflection and the reflexive teacher
• Communication approaches for offering feedback
• Undertaking assessments with learners
• Giving and receiving feedback
• Mentoring, supervision and coaching

More information

AC6744 -

Health Promotion (10 Credits)

On this Year 1 semester 2 level 6 module you will explore public health from within your current nursing context. You will come to appreciate that public health may require nurses to work with individuals, families, communities and professionals from a range of disciplines within and outside the health sector. To achieve this you will critically analyse the roles of different professionals so that you understand how this can strengthen your patient-centred care and support your delivery of health improvement projects relevant to your area of practice.

This module aims to develop understanding of fundamental public health concepts as applied to nursing; critical awareness of key public health issues relevant to your context; and consolidate assessment, communication, including solution focused therapy, multi-professional team working, and evaluation skills relevant to nurses.

On this module you will explore the following topic areas:

• The role of nurses in public health
• Research the information you need to describe the health status of your service population and profile their health needs.
• Screening for health improvement
• The importance of multidisciplinary working to support public health
• The importance of patients, families and carers involvement to support health improvement
• Consider how clinical audit can identify ways of improving services or patient outcomes to improve health.
• The practical application of health promotion approaches
• The role of the nurse in advocacy and solution focused therapy in promoting health and wellbeing. This will support people to make healthy choices, reduce health inequalities, and prevent people dying prematurely.

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AC6745 -

Healthcare Law and Ethics (10 Credits)

On this year 2 level 6 module you will learn how to use tools and techniques to source information about health law and ethics in Singapore and the wider global context. Central to this will be to learn to use Northumbria University technology and information sourcing resources. You will explore your personal beliefs and values, morals and ethics and how these create unconscious bias. This will then be related to your professional practice. Your studies will include discussions regarding Singapore health law and legislation as it applies to your Practice. Ethics and values form an important part of holistic and person-centred care, and these will be debated throughout the module to enable you to justify your own decision making in Practice. The module will culminate in the submission of a 1500-word essay exploring how the module topics relate to your own Practice. The list of topics to be covered is as follows.

The role of values and beliefs, morals, and ethics in modern healthcare, including unconscious bias
Professional boundaries
Capacity and consent
End of life care including advanced directives
Fitness to practice
Current ethical dilemmas in Singapore
Overcoming and learning from ethical challenges in practice

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AC6746 -

Nursing Older People with Complex Needs (10 Credits)

During this module you will develop knowledge and understanding of the complex needs of older people within the context of health and social care in Singapore. Exploration of theories of ageing and reflection upon professional values, attitudes and behaviours will support your understanding of the ageing process. You will develop an appreciation of the importance of a multidisciplinary team approach in the assessment, management and ongoing support for older people and their families and carers. The module will develop your knowledge and competence in nursing older people across health and life continua: from living well, acute illness, intermediate care, frailty, ongoing long-term care to end of life, providing understanding of significant issues at transitional points.
You will be enabled to deliver safe, effective care by the development of robust clinical decision making through comprehensive evidence-based assessments, including risk.
The module will require you to critically appraise relevant theory, political drivers and empirical research in relation to ageing and gerontological nursing, seeking to explore its application to health and care management to meet the diverse needs of people in later life.
Aligned to the ethos of caring for older people, key module topics include: -
• Living better in later life
• The Aging Processes
• Dementia
• Delirium
• Nursing Assessment and Management
• Medicine management
• Collaboration and multidisciplinary team working
• End of life care

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AC6748 -

Leading and Developing Practice (10 Credits)

On this module you will learn about the different approaches to leadership within the professional practice literature and how this can be applied to your own practice. You will be given time to assess your own leadership style and preferences.

This module will help you to develop and consolidate skills, attitudes and behaviours that you have developed throughout the programme. You will have the opportunity to become immersed in the culture of continuous improvement and invest in leadership development workshops. Alongside this you will explore metrics, measurements and improvement methodologies to enable developments in practice that will deliver measurable and sustainable outcomes. Developing practice is a contemporary role for all Graduate Nurses and it will be important for you to appreciate the variables at play in any attempt to lead and manage change.

On this module you will learn about the key components of practice development which include:
• Introduction to leadership and practice development
• Leadership
• Change theory and management for services
• PDSA cycle
• Culture and communication of change in practice
• Tools, techniques and metrics for practice
• Organisational collaboration and sustainability
• Practice leadership and role negotiation

This module will culminate in a summative assessment where you will be able to bring all this learning together and write a practice development proposal. This will be on a subject that you can chose for yourself. Guidance will be provided by academic staff.

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AC6777 -

Health Assessment and Clinical Decision Making (10 Credits)

This year 2 level 6 module will develop your skills and knowledge base in relation to holistic health and nursing assessment skills.
This module aims to develop you as practitioners by increasing your ability to assess, examine and manage patients with a wide range of clinical presentations. This module will build upon your previous experience, knowledge and skills of holistic health and nursing assessment, and will enhance your development of clinical decision-making. Nursing assessment will underpin your skills and knowledge development through the use of evidence-based practice, frameworks and models.
Throughout this module you will be provided with the opportunity to critically explore and discuss the assessment principles, which include the cultural and ethical consideration and how they link to patient care and clinical decision making to promote health.
Opportunities for personal and professional reflection for continued professional development with regards to your knowledge on health and assessment skills will also be provided. You will be encouraged to complete structured reflections, allowing your current and developing knowledge to be assimilated, thus enhancing your professional capabilities.

More information

To start your application, simply select the month you would like to start your course.

BSc Nursing (Kaplan, Singapore)


Any Questions?

Our Applicant Services team will be happy to help.  They can be contacted on 0191 406 0901 or by using our Contact Form.


All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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You can use Northumbria’s AccessAble Guides anytime to check the accessibility of a building or facility and to plan your routes and journeys. Search by location, building or accessibility feature to find the information you need. 

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