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What will I learn on this module?
This module will introduce you to the powers, procedures and law that will enable you to police communities lawfully and ethically. The module will explore strategies for policing communities which will enable you to legally, ethically and professionally detect crimes, protect the public and police the roads.
In addition, you will develop an understanding of criminal law and the relevant legislation required to detect and prove a crime. Specifically, you will gain an understanding of an officers power of arrest, stop and search and powers of entry. You will be introduced to numerous criminal offences including public order, dishonesty, Offences weapons, drugs, Criminal attempts, Offences against the person, criminal damage and road traffic offences. You will develop an understanding of what is required to prove such offences, what defences may apply and what powers can be used and procedures you should follow when detecting criminal offences. You will explore the importance of accurately recording crimes and how to correctly input these crimes into police systems.
You will also consider, trigger offences such as criminal damage and the impact of anti-social behaviour, as well as the impact of social media and use of technology, both positively and negatively, on individuals and communities. You will be given skills around problem solving techniques and the explore the difference between information and intelligence helping you formulate an investigative mindset which you can use to protect vulnerable individuals and communities.
The principles of Evidence Based Policing and what they mean for practitioners is explored during the module. You will understand how Evidence based Policing can shape operational policing and begin to understand how to gather and analyse data and information for evidence-based practice.
To assist you in putting these skills into operational context you will take part in assessed practical scenarios, covering your police powers and the practicalities of using these in realistic situations.
During the module you will be assessed though a series of formative and summative assessments. These assessments will include multiple -choice question sets, practical scenarios, and presentations.
The module will cover the following learning outcomes from the CoP PCDA Curriculum December 2023
Core National
The Police Constable role and professional standards
7, 8
Wellbeing and Resilience
Communication skills
Prevention and problem solving (incorporating evidence based policing)
Victims and witnesses
Suspect and offender management
Criminal Justice system
Policing and Partnership working
Response policing
Roads Policing
Information and Intelligence
Conducting investigations
Core local
Prevention and Problem solving 9Incorporating evidence-based policing)
Community Policing and Partnership Working
The full CoP National Policing curriculum will be accessible on the module and Programme blackboard site.
How will I learn on this module?
This module will run over five weeks with students learning through a blend of workshops, lectures, and tutor guided/ students- independent learning. The tutors will use historical and current developments, case law and academic writing to give context to core principles. A variety of delivery styles will be employed including traditional taught lectures blended with podcasts/recorded lectures to cover theoretical/ procedural aspects of the curriculum. This will be supplemented with seminar and workshop sessions where the student will become a more active learner making connections between theory/procedure and placing it into practice. Guest speakers including academics and practitioners in the field are used to enhance the learning experience to ensure the most practical and relevant material is taught to enable a Police Officer to fulfil their role. Additional learning strategies are utilised throughout the module including practical’s which reflect/ simulate real life experience as a Police Officer to enable the student to apply and demonstrate the knowledge that they have gained throughout the module.
The module elearning Portal (Blackboard Ultra) site contains a module handbook outlining the content of the module. The lecture slides, digital lecture recordings, podcasts and seminar exercises will also be made available on Blackboard. Formative feedback /will be provided on knowledge and understanding of the module content as well as a number of opportunities to engage with the method of assessment used in the module.
How will I be supported academically on this module?
The academic support on the module is designed to help you engage with the wide range of sources and to evaluate their effectiveness and currency. Your module tutors will be the primary source of academic guidance and will encourage critical reflection on knowledge, experience and practice. Support in these areas underpins the learning and teaching philosophy along with the explicit development of the learning outcomes. Your learning will also be supported by a range of electronic materials, which are made available to all students via Blackboard Ultra. These include lecture recordings, policy documents, additional reading, and self-test exercises. Academic support is also available through formative feedback during timetabled sessions. You will get formative assessment, by various questions in module materials, group discussion, informal peer assessment and assessed and non-assessed exercises. Your tutors will give oral and written feedback to you as required. At programme level you will be supported by the Programme Leader who will provide pastoral support throughout the module and the programme as a whole. In addition, you will be supported by experienced operational police trainers who will assist in putting your academic learning into operational context allowing you to explore the relationship between the two and inform your operational experience.
What will I be expected to read on this module?
All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. The reading list for this module can be found at: http://readinglists.northumbria.ac.uk
(Reading List service online guide for academic staff this containing contact details for the Reading List team – http://library.northumbria.ac.uk/readinglists)
What will I be expected to achieve?
Knowledge & Understanding (K&U):
1. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of key principles of law and procedure be able to apply those principles in the context of given scenarios encountered by police.
Intellectual/Professional skills & abilities (IPSA):
2. Carry out policing duties including public protection and policing the roads, effectively and ethically.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge of the strategies to engage with the policing of communities including an understanding of how evidenced based policing and POP enhance the efficiency of core police duties
What will I be expected to achieve?
(SRS 0005)
Knowledge & Understanding (K&U):
1. Demonstrate your knowledge and understanding of key principles of law and procedure be able to apply those principles in the context of given scenarios encountered by police.
Intellectual/Professional skills & abilities (IPSA):
2. Carry out policing duties including public protection and policing the roads, effectively and ethically.
3. Demonstrate your knowledge of the strategies to engage with the policing of communities including an understanding of how evidenced based policing and POP enhance the efficiency of core police duties
Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):
4. Understand and put into practice the fundamental responsibility of the police service to identify and support those who are vulnerable or at risk
5. Enhance your knowledge and understanding of key principles of criminal law and acquire the necessary knowledge and carry out lawful, safe, and effective policing tasks in a variety of situations.
How will I be assessed?
Formative assessment
Knowledge: There will be self-test questions which will be used to ensure that you are aware of the theoretical/doctrinal elements of the module.
Practical: There will be numerous practical exercises throughout the module that will address different skills in the module. giving students opportunity to practice ahead of the final practical assessment.
Summative assessment
1. Knowledge: Module Learning Objectives 1,2 & 5 will assess the following:
• Online tests (100%) - The students will be assessed via five x 10 question Multiple Choice Question assessments. Each will cover a different substantive theme covered through the module. Each MCQ will have a time limit of 30 minutes. They will be managed and marked through Blackboard Ultra.
2. Practical: Module Learning Objectives 2,3,4 & 5 will assess the following:
• At the end of the module there will be two assessed role play practical exercises covering stop & search and arrest. Each will last 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions based around the practical exercise. Practical assessments are pass/fail and will assess MLO 2,3,4,5.
Module abstract
This module will introduce students to the principles of criminal law, police powers and criminal procedure. The module will explore strategies for policing communities which will enable the student to legally, ethically and professionally detect crimes, protect the public and police the roads.
A student will gain an understanding of relevant legislation and guidance associated with different forms of policing. The module will consider general themes and principles in relation to the role of the Police Constable and the law, while introducing students specifically to:
Understanding how to exercise police powers and procedures fairly and without bias, including recording incidents, powers of arrest, stop and search, and making seizures while respecting the core principles of equality, diversity, and human rights.
An overview of the criminal law in England and Wales.
Criminal offences including what elements (Points to prove) are required to prove such offences and any relevant defences.
Course info
Credits 20
Level of Study Undergraduate
Mode of Study 30 months Full Time
Location City Campus, Northumbria University
City Newcastle
Start September 2025 or March 2026
All information is accurate at the time of sharing.
Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.
Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.
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