LE5002 - Perspectives of Complex Care in Learning Disability Nursing

What will I learn on this module?

On this module you will be offered opportunities to learn about supporting people with a learning disability in a variety of non-specialist and specialist practice provision. This will take place in health establishments such as; in GP surgeries, in health and social care provision and in schools. This learning spans the whole life time of people with a learning disability as services and patient needs change. You will learn about:

• Community Nursing
• Behavioural specialisms
• Health Facilitation
• Clinics in other health settings
• Health action plans
• Psychological therapies and patient ownership
• Person centeredness and working with families

Topics you will cover include:
• Practicing in challenging environments
• Practicing in primary health care settings
• Practicing in GP surgeries
• Learning Disability and health policy
• Championing the rights and health of people with a learning disability
• Teaching other health professionals
• Developing accessible information
• Clinical risk taking
• Understanding and utilising Positive Behavioural Support across communities of practice (PBS)
You will explore the experiences of people with a learning disability and their families or carers through meeting with service users and practitioners specialising in learning disability and through the eyes of non- specialist professionals. This module offers an opportunity to discover and develop your creativity, value base and skills of helping people with a learning disability to stay healthy and safe. This module will also allow you to consolidate your specialist communication skills building from the skills developed at level’s 4 and 5 (NS0423: Becoming a safe, caring professional in Learning Disability Nursing, NS0424: Introduction to nursing assessment skills, NS0425: Development of communication skills and nursing interventions, LE4001: Introduction to evidence based practice in health and ill health –Learning Disability Nursing, LE4002: Applied life and social sciences - planning and evaluating care, LE5001: Capability, empowerment and capacity in Learning Disability Nursing and NS0525: Developing evidence based skills for best practice)
You will be undertaking other modules focussing on specialist learning disability practice, alongside this module (NS0524: Developing shared decision making in Learning Disability Nursing and NS0526: Enhancing clinical skills for complex care)

How will I learn on this module?

You will learn through lectures, workshops, skill rehearsal, directed, independent and group learning.
Some content is delivered via a ‘flipped classroom’ learning approach, (a mix of e-lectures, seminars and practical sessions). Meaning you will have access to appropriate resources before and after sessions. E-Lectures cover theoretical perspectives and concepts so you can tackle a series of guided exercises. These resources can be accessed as many times as you need and are available via Blackboard Ultra.

You have opportunities for simulation based education sessions using the high fidelity manikins, situated within the state of the art clinical skills centre. This will help you to link theories and concepts to learning disability practice and reflect upon your learning experiences. This module links directly with your practice learning activities and academic enquiry skills to help you learn how to access the research in learning disability practice.

Preparation for seminars and workshops will also assist your learning. This preparatory work will be achieved by engaging in Independent Study. The materials will include interactive learning packages, workbooks and media outputs. The Module Team will provide advice on how and when to engage in your Tutor Guided Independent Study.

In this module you will also learn by reading, this is vital for your academic and clinical development. Reading will provide you with technical information to enhance the evidence base for your clinical practice. Reading is also necessary for you to appraise the merits of a variety of writing styles; adopting the strongest and best of the characteristics in your own work to demonstrate progression in your scholarship.

You will be engaging in Student Independent Learning. You will be able to choose what you would like to study in more detail. You can spend time preparing for your module assessment and /or generating evidence for your clinical practice placement.

You benefit from feed-forward feedback, where your assessment becomes part of your learning and enables you to understand what you do well and what you need to develop to become a successful learning disability nurse. You are formatively assessed (you may know this as a mock), to help you successfully work towards your summative assessment, the feedback you receive will also increase your learning and understanding.

You will continue to explore your Personal Professional Development File, which you develop throughout the programme. This is so you can keep a record of what you have learned, gather evidence for your learning and practice. It provides space to reflect on your learning and development as a nurse.

How will I be supported academically on this module?

You will be supported by a dedicated team of academics who are also experienced Registered Learning Disability Nurses. The module team also consist of people with a learning disability/carers and specialist and non- learning disability specialist practitioners, all of whom will support your learning and development. Support and guidance is given through clear directed learning activities, e-lectures, small group seminars and workshops. All support will be in line with any Student Accessibility Plan (SAP) recommendations

Your personal tutor and the module team offer further support and can be contacted via telephone, email, or in person – contact details are available via Blackboard Ultra.

The electronic media (e.g. elp/twitter) will support your learning including opportunity for group learning, peer support and discussions with a wider audience on contemporary practice issues.

You can access the 24 hour IT Helpline, Student Support and Wellbeing Services, Skills Plus to support your academic work and the Ask4Help Service for other enquiries. You will also have access to the full range of student administration and support services offered by Northumbria University which includes library and learning support outlined fully in the programme handbook. Additionally relevant materials, including the electronic reading list and other aids will be available via blackboard ultra/library services to enhance and support your learning.

Technology enhanced learning will facilitate your learning and enable flexibility and independence as you progress through the module; Blackboard Ultra will enable you to access general module information, review all taught content remotely and will host interactive e-learning materials that support taught sessions.

A seminar will also be facilitated to enable a group discussion focussing on the module assessment task, this will enable you to progress on to your next set of learning activities.

What will I be expected to read on this module?

All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.

What will I be expected to achieve?

Knowledge & Understanding:

1. Understand and utilise fundamental and transferable skills, concepts and principles underpinning professional, safe, effective, caring, responsive and well led, person centred, nursing
2. Utilise service delivery data and other means to evaluate and monitor and improve service provision for people across communities of practice.
3. Appraise current research and critically evaluate methods, arguments, assumptions, abstract concepts and data (that may be incomplete), to make judgements to inform holistic nursing practice and service improvement ideas in non- learning disability specialist services/with non-specialist staff.

Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:

4. Demonstrate leadership engagement through critical appraisal of the evidence base and its application to and importance for practice across communities of practice. Whilst, valuing curiosity, collaboration and reflective learning in practice as key to the creation of new nursing knowledge and practice and your professional development.

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):

5. Clear articulation and demonstration of the value base required for interprofessional, interagency and registration: safety, personal dignity, compassionate, person centred, evidence based practice, promotion of individuality, independence, rights, choice and inclusion for people with a learning disability and the spreading of this ethical and philosophical base across different communities of practice.

How will I be assessed?

Formative Assessment:
The formative assessment will consist of a 500 word essay focussing on safe care and service delivery within learning disability nursing. A peer review workshop will be facilitated to allow students the opportunity to share, appraise and feedback examples from practice. Verbal feedback will be provided by the module team.
(MLO’s 1-5)

Summative Assessment:
The summative assessment on this module will consist of a 2000 word essay based on a case study from your practice placement. The focus will be on safe care practice and delivery within specialist learning disability environments. Students will be expected to critically appraise the evidence base to inform their academic writing.
The assignment will be submitted electronically via Blackboard Ultra (BBU) and feedback will also be provided via this platform.
The assessment carries 100% weighting.
(MLO’s 1-5)


NS0423: Practice Module 1: Becoming a safe, caring professional in Learning Disability Nursing
LE4001: Introduction to evidence based practice in hea


NS0524: Practice Module 2: Developing shared decision making in Learning Disability Nursing.
NS0525: Nursing Skills 3: Developing evidence based ski

Module abstract

As a Learning Disability nurse you are expected to support people within community and hospital settings working alongside a range of professionals. You will learn about championing the needs and rights of people with a learning disability whilst educating the public, professionals and service users about their rights and needs. Utilising the materials on Blackboard Ultra together with group work and reflective frameworks, you will discuss and learn about collaboration with other services, professionals and service users.
The module will enable you to understand the process of assessment and formulation; it will also strengthen your practice theory link and enable you to articulate your knowledge and skills in order to carry forward into your future nursing career. A placement will be provided for you and will be appropriate to this stage of your learning.
The formative and summative assessments on this module will provide feed-forward feedback and are designed with engagement and consolidation in mind

Course info

UCAS Code B741

Credits 20

Level of Study Undergraduate

Mode of Study 3 years Full Time

Department Nursing, Midwifery & Health

Location Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University

City Newcastle

Start September 2025 or September 2026

Fee Information

Module Information

All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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