CN0408 - Theory 2: Applied Life and Social Sciences, Planning and Evaluating Care

What will I learn on this module?

This module will address the essential concepts of nursing children and young people. In order to practice effectively and preserve safety you will develop your knowledge and understanding of the biological basis of children and young people’s health and illness and its application to nursing practice. Children and Young People’s anatomy and physiology is presented via body systems, alongside the altered physiology in relation to common disorders that affect children and young people. Emotional development and attachment are explored; this will enable you to deliver holistic care. The module examines the research underpinning the comprehensive, systematic nursing assessment of children and young people, and the process of planning, implementing and evaluating this care.

Having studied key skills required for the caring for children and young people’s health in the university setting, you will then have the opportunity to apply this knowledge in the practice setting.

How will I learn on this module?

Lecturers from the Children’s Nursing Teaching Team will support your learning in this module and this will include use of Blackboard Ultra There will be online supported e- learning packages and lectures introducing key concepts and seminars where you engage with theory content and are focused around enquiry-based student learning. Active student participation will be facilitated by nursing lecturers and learning from peers is encouraged. There is an expectation, that as adult learners, you will be eager to learn, motivated to study and address your learning needs through reflection on your academic progress initially using formative education strategies.

How will I be supported academically on this module?

Contact with the module team is available in person, via telephone and email. Support for your learning is also offered via a 24 hour IT Helpline, Student Support and Wellbeing Services via Ask4help and Student portal or library and Skills Plus, the University Library’s collection of online learning materials to support the development of your academic skills.

You will also support each other via peer support, through engaging in discussion and debate to enhance your learning. Additional relevant materials, including the electronic reading list and other teaching and learning methods will be available via Blackboard Ultra/library services to enhance and support your learning. All support will be in line with any Student Accessibility Plan (SAP).

The use of peer support is a vital component of developing critical discussion and generating ideas and will be utilised during this module.

There are useful study skills guides via the Northumbria University Library.

See the Developing your learning skills link: "Developing your Learning Skills" NU Lib Guides

What will I be expected to read on this module?

All modules at Northumbria include a range of reading materials that students are expected to engage with. Online reading lists (provided after enrolment) give you access to your reading material for your modules. The Library works in partnership with your module tutors to ensure you have access to the material that you need.

What will I be expected to achieve?

Knowledge & Understanding:

1. develop knowledge and understanding of key biological and psycho-social aspects of health and illness.

2. develop a knowledge base around specific body systems and related common health conditions in childhood.

Intellectual / Professional Skills & Abilities:

3. learn how to assess young people’s needs taking into account the systems that they exist in.

4. develop knowledge and understanding of care planning and evaluation for Children, Young People and their families.

Personal Values Attributes (Global / Cultural awareness, Ethics, Curiosity) (PVA):

5.demonstrate competence in consistently
maintaining patient safety across all settings using appropriate evidence and guidance

How will I be assessed?

Formative Assessment:

Practice examination material will be available via BlackBoard Ultra. Peer feedback, facilitated within peer assisted study sessions, will inform development. (MLOs 1,2,3 and 4)

Summative Assessment:

A two hour unseen exam. Short answer written examination.

The exam will be taken and invigilated on campus face to face

Exam results will be available electronically via blackboard and the exam paper

The exam will assess your knowledge of biological systems, the application of these in the planning of care to meet the needs of the child/young person.
This exam will consist of a series of short answer questions. (MLOs 1,2,3,4 and 5).





Module abstract

This module will develop your knowledge and understanding of body systems and related disorders in children and young people. Following a patient pathway you will gain understanding of the wider aspects of healthcare and will learn how to assess, plan and evaluate care. You will be supported in developing your knowledge and a sound evidence base on which to inform your practice. You will be equipped with the evidence base to prioritise children and young people and practise effectively.

Course info

UCAS Code B701

Credits 20

Level of Study Undergraduate

Mode of Study 3 years Full Time

Department Nursing, Midwifery & Health

Location Coach Lane Campus, Northumbria University

City Newcastle

Start September 2025 or September 2026

Fee Information

Module Information

All information is accurate at the time of sharing. 

Full time Courses are primarily delivered via on-campus face to face learning but could include elements of online learning. Most courses run as planned and as promoted on our website and via our marketing materials, but if there are any substantial changes (as determined by the Competition and Markets Authority) to a course or there is the potential that course may be withdrawn, we will notify all affected applicants as soon as possible with advice and guidance regarding their options. It is also important to be aware that optional modules listed on course pages may be subject to change depending on uptake numbers each year.  

Contact time is subject to increase or decrease in line with possible restrictions imposed by the government or the University in the interest of maintaining the health and safety and wellbeing of students, staff, and visitors if this is deemed necessary in future.


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