How will I learn during this Business and Analytics BSc course?
You’ll learn through a variety of teaching methods including lectures, seminars, problem-based workshops, webinars, case discussions, practical activities, group work and tutorials. To help you develop your independent learning skills, you’ll also complete directed tasks – assignments you undertake in your own time.
We back up all our teaching with well-designed support systems to help you get the most from your opportunities. And we make sure that we build extensive feedback, from both tutors and peers, into the course. Throughout your studies, you’ll be able to discuss any academic or personal issues with your Personal Tutor.
Assessments involve applying business principles to solve problems and then demonstrating your thinking through business reports, presentations, portfolios and more. In the final year, you’ll complete an assessed dissertation, management enquiry or consultancy project.
How will I be assessed?
There are a wide variety of assessments used across each year of the programme, including written assignments, reports, examinations, individual, and group presentations. In your final year, you will undertake a substantial piece of research work, either in the form of an individual dissertation, management enquiry or a group consultancy project. While assessments are usually individual work, there are various modules across the programme which include group work and thereby give you opportunity to develop skills in teamwork, negotiation, and leadership.
For assignments and portfolio work, you will be supported in your seminars, where tutors will share marking criteria prior to the assignment being handed in. This means that you will have a clear guidance on the expectations of the marker. Tutors will also provide feedback which will give clear guidance on areas of strength and weakness.