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Extreme Environments

Researchtheme 3_largeExtreme environments, where conditions challenge the existence of most known life forms, are found on Earth's surface, subsurface, oceans, atmosphere and in the solar systems.

This Multidisciplinary Research Activity will develop synergies to support and extend existing areas of world-leading research in understanding and harnessing physical and biological environments that operate under extreme conditions.




What lessons can humans learn from extreme environments where conditions challenge the existence of most known life forms?

Survival in extreme environments requires extraordinary adaptations. Northumbria is recognised for ground- breaking research into such adaptations, including our work in cold and palaeo environments extending from exploration of Antarctic subglacial lakes and climatic reconstruction using deep ocean cores, to carbon release from Siberian permafrost. In addition our experts in solar physics are taking part in an international project to build the world’s biggest and most revolutionary solar telescope. Our researchers have attracted funding from sources such as Research Councils UK, the EU, the Leverhulme Trust and the US Air Force.

Our work spans the disciplines of Geography, Astrophysics, Mathematics, Computer Science, Physics, Applied Sciences and Statistics. The University’s multidisciplinary approach allows us to tackle complex problems that defy easy classification but which are increasingly urgent in the modern world. Our research works towards harnessing and furthering our understanding of physical and biological environments



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