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The PGR Community within Allied Health Professions, Dentistry, Nursing and Pharmacy has significantly grown in the current REF period and is a central part of the unit’s research culture. 136 PGR doctoral degrees have been awarded compared to 66 in REF2014.  In addition to formal training programmes, our PGR students participate in seminar programmes and a variety of informal actives such as journal clubs.  

See a showcase below of some of our PG researchers and the projects they are carrying out.

Karl Charlton

Department: Nursing, Midwifery & Health

Supervisor: Dr Mark Bevan

Title of thesis: Paramedic decision making during out of hospital cardiac arrest

I am a research paramedic currently employed in the NHS. My interests are out of hospital cardiac arrest, ageing and frailty. I have worked on several national prehospital research projects and am currently chief investigator for a number of investigator initiated studies. I am also the lead investigator for a regional ARC funded project exploring social deprivation and rates of bystander CPR across north east England.


Twitter: @charlton_karl


Charlton, K. and Moore, H., 2021. PaRamEDIc assessment of laCTate in OHCA and survival to hospital (PREDICT protocol). Journal of Paramedic Practice, 13(3), pp.100-104.

Charlton, K, Capsey, M & Moat, C 2020, Is weight just a number? The accuracy of UK ambulance paediatric weight guidance- findings from a cross sectional study, British Paramedic Journal, vol. 5, no. 3, pp. 1-7.

Charlton, K., Limmer, M. and Moore, H., 2020. Intravenous versus oral paracetamol in a UK ambulance service: a case control study. British Paramedic Journal, 5(1), pp.1-6.


Helen Cullen

Department: Nursing, Midwifery and Health

Supervisor: Dr Gemma Wilson

Title of thesis: Care of the ageing veteran population: Developing an evidence base for the Royal Hospital Chelsea model of care

Having completed my MSc in Military Veterans and Families Studies (Anglia Ruskin University) in 2016, I embarked on my PhD in 2020. Having served in the RAF and a veteran myself I am passionate about military veterans and their experience in transition from their time served in the armed forces. I feel privileged to have the opportunity to research the iconic Chelsea Pensioners and the unique environment they live in to quantify the impact of Royal Hospital Chelsea’s model of care. I am also engaged with two military charities in a welfare and wellbeing support capacity.



Ageing, limb-loss and military veterans: a systematic review of the literature. Ageing & Society 39, 2019, 1582-1610 DOI:


Jamie HaysteadJamie Haystead

Department: Applied Sciences

Supervisor: Dr Meng Zhang

Title of thesis: The Investigation of Microbial Induced Calcium Carbonate Precipitation for Soil Improvement

I completed a Bachelor of Sciences in Biology and a Master of Sciences in Microbiology, both at Northumbria University, before starting my PhD. My research focuses on microbial induced calcium carbonate precipitation (MICCP), which is a bio-mediated process that utilises urease-producing bacteria, in the presence of CaCl2, to precipitate CaCO3. This has wide applications including soil improvement. The precipitated CaCO3 can bind soil particles and increase soil strength. This is a potentially sustainable alternative to chemical grouting. My research goals are to optimise the biological processes involved, with a focus towards addressing biological data gaps for optimisation of computational models.




Jemma McCreadyJemma McCready

Department: Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing

Supervisor: Dr Kate Hackett

Title of thesis: The impact of Sjögren’s syndrome on sexual functioning and intimate relationships: development of management recommendations.

I completed a BSc (Hons) in Psychology and an MSc in Health Psychology at Northumbria University. My research interests are centered around developing interventions to help individuals manage the psychosocial impacts of chronic illness. My PhD research explores the lived experiences of sexual disruption that occur as a result of the autoimmune disease, Sjögren’s syndrome. Within the project, the experiences of individuals are collected through several methods (i.e., internet forum posts, interviews, questionnaires). Together these are used to produce a set of recommendations that highlight areas of intervention that may improve the sexual quality of life for this patient group.


Twitter: @JemmaMcC90


McCready, J. L., McCarty, K., Deary, V., Collins, T. L., & Hackett, K. L. (2020). P95 “Why do we have to lose this too?”: an exploration into the conversations around intimacy that individuals with Sjögren's syndrome have on an online forum. Rheumatology, 59(Supplement_2), keaa111-093.

McCready, J., McCarty, K., Deary, V., Collins, T., & Hackett, K. (2020). SAT0633-HPR: An exploration into the conversations around sexual functioning that males with Sjögren’s syndrome have on an internet forum.

Moss, M., Smith, E., Milner, M., & McCready, J. (2018). Acute ingestion of rosemary water: Evidence of cognitive and cerebrovascular effects in healthy adults. Journal of Psychopharmacology, 32(12), 1319-1329.


 Mitchell James Hogg

Department: Social Work, Education & Community Wellbeing

Supervisor: Professor Tim Rapley, Professor Vincent Deary & Professor Julia Newton

Title of thesis: Developing a Slow-Paced Breathing Intervention for Postural Tachycardia Syndrome [PoTS]

A multidisciplinary health researcher with a key interest in the development of complex psychosomatic interventions. As an academic, my background has been routed in Psychology (MRes; BSc) - however I am now developing new skills within the SWECW Department at Northumbria. My research areas of interest include Autonomic Neuroscience, Health Psychology & Implementation Science. I have also contributed to publications on Social Media Gambling Advertisements & Sporting Motivation in Transplant Athletes.


Twitter: @mitchelljhogg


Houghton, S., McNeil, A., Hogg, M., & Moss, M. (2019). Comparing the Twitter posting of British gambling operators and gambling affiliates: a summative content analysis. International Gambling Studies, 19(2), 312-326.

Jooste, J., Rogerson, D., Hogg, M., & Houghton, S. (2020). Transplant recipients’ motivational orientation towards sport participation and physical activity enjoyment at the 2019 World Transplant Games in Newcastle-Gateshead UK [Paper presentation]. Spring Conferences of Sports Science. Costa Blanca Sports Science Events. Alicante, Spain.

See more from Mitchell


  Charlotte MarshCharlotte Marsh

Department: Applied Sciences

Supervisor: Professor Steven Stanforth

Title of thesis: Synthesis and application of novel fluorogenic enzyme substrates in diagnostic microbiology

After completing my undergraduate degree at Northumbria, I was keen to continue in academia. I was lucky enough to undertake a PhD under the supervision of Prof Steven Stanforth, which encompassed organic chemistry, microscopy and microbiology. The cross-disciplinary nature of my PhD meant that I worked with a number of great people, developed numerous new skills and learnt a lot about myself along the way. Since completing my PhD I have started working as a medical writer for an international company. I do miss working in academia; maybe one day I’ll venture back!


Twitter: @charmarsh16


Amy SwiftAmy Swift

Department: PGR Nursing

Supervisor: Toby Brandon

Title of thesis: How does Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) affect mental wellbeing in children?

The aim of the research is to examine the factors which may affect mental wellbeing in children who have OBPP. The research will use qualitative methods to interview children and their care givers and quantitative methods to survey health professionals working in the OBPP field. This builds upon my interest within child mental health. I graduated with a BSc Public Health and a 1:1 in MSc Mental Health Nursing from the University of Northumbria. I have also recently published a mental health booklet for the Erb’s Palsy Group which is a charity supporting families of those living with OBPP.



Dean Thompson

Department: Applied Sciences

Supervisor: Ed Schwalbe

Title of thesis: Molecular Subgrouping of Medulloblastoma via Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing

I am a bioinformatics practitioner now into the 3rd year of my PhD in childhood cancer research. I previously studied both my BSc and MSc in Biotechnology at Northumbria University and instead of working in the lab, I have pursued dry, computer-based bioinformatics projects during both degrees. I have a keen interest in cancer epigenetics and my work currently focuses on medulloblastoma, the most common CNS tumour of childhood. My PhD project aims to pioneer the use of Whole Genome Bisulfite Sequencing in identifying the molecular subgroups of medulloblastoma – whose distinction is critical for WHO tumour diagnostics and treatment decisions.



Thompson, D., Cognat, V., Goodfellow, M., Koechler, S., Heintz, D., Carapito, C., Van Dorsselaer, A., Mahmoud, H., Sangal, V., & Ismail, W. (2020). Phylogenomic Classification and Biosynthetic Potential of the Fossil Fuel-Biodesulfurizing Rhodococcus Strain IGTS8. Frontiers in microbiology, 11, 1417.









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