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Working Well in Healthcare - Transformative Experiential Learning and Simulated Environments



Join us for our annual Working Well in Healthcare event designed to foster collaboration across the healthcare industry to tackle some of the most pressing workforce challenges.

This year will be the second event in the series. The hybrid event, which will be held at Northumbria University’s City Campus, will focus on “Transformative Experiential Leaning and Simulated Environments” and will bring together health leaders from across the UK to explore how simulated teaching environments and experiential learning can help us to train the healthcare workforce of the future in a digital age.

During the event speakers, including Professor Paula Holt - Senior Nursing Advisor at The Nursing and Midwifery Council and Northumbria University’s Head of Department for Nursing, Midwifery and Health, Professor Alison Machin – who is also Chair of the Council of Deans of Health – and Deputy Pro-Vice Chancellor for Health and Life Sciences, Professor John Unsworth OBE – who is also Chair of the Queen’s Nursing Institute will discuss the role of simulated practice in the learning experience, as well as highlight the benefits of experiential and interprofessional learning for the workforce.

This time around our panel discussion will focus on ‘Myth-busting: replacing the challenges, changes and concerns around simulated practice with the benefits to your organisation’.

The full event schedule, including keynote speakers, will be announced shortly. 

Northumbria University has a well-established suite of health and social care related degree, CPD and workforce development programmes. Nursing at Northumbria is ranked Top 20 in the UK by the Complete University Guide for 2024 and 99% of our nursing graduates are in highly skilled employment or further study 15 months after graduation (Guardian University Guide, 2024) – accolades that we’re very proud of. We’re invested in supporting the sector and its staff and we hope that this event will provide an invaluable opportunity to learn, discuss and debate a timely and important subject.

This event is free to attend, stay tuned -  event registration opening soon.



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