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Professional Recognition and Development of Staff

Northumbria University is committed to the development and recognition of staff. The following professional recognition schemes and education development activities are available for all Northumbria staff members:

 More information for Northumbria Staff can be found here

Education Enhancement Projects

Northumbria’s competitive Education Enhancement Projects focus on developing an educational base to implement Northumbria’s Education Strategy and University Strategic Ambitions, with a focus on ‘Powering an inclusive economy’ through ‘transformative experiential learning, building students’ skills and social capital’, and ‘Driving Social Mobility’ by ‘eliminating gaps in post-study success through education tailored to students’ needs’ (University Strategy 2030). 

Projects focus on exploring the practice of Northumbria’s distinctive pedagogy of experiential and authentic enquiry based learning, and the promotion of equality, diversity and inclusion. This includes authentic enquiry-based learning through clinics and live projects, simulated learning, placements and internships, service learning and volunteering, vertically integrated learning, interdisciplinary learning, and other forms of experiential learning that engage students actively with their learning, promoting Northumbria graduate attributes and a sense of community, based on equality, diversity and inclusion. 

A competitive process operates each year to award colleagues with funding to progress their projects. 

Northumbria staff can find out more about the scheme by following this link.

Northumbria University Professional Recognition Scheme (NUPRS)

In acknowledging the importance of supporting colleagues to achieve and be recognised for such excellence, the University has developed a Northumbria University Professional Standards Framework (NUFPS), which comprises a professional recognition process, a Learning & Teaching Development Programme and Peer Support which are aligned to the UK Professional Standards Framework for Teaching and Supporting Learning in Higher Education (PSF 2023). This alignment helps us to define and articulate good teaching so that all staff have a clear understanding of what is expected in relation to their role.

Professional recognition provides opportunities for staff to reflect on activities they are already engaged in and benchmark practice in relation to subject teaching culture and community of practice against a set of standards. It supports the sharing of good practice and evidences the quality of teaching and learning at Northumbria more broadly so that we can optimise the different teaching strengths and qualities that exist across the University.

It also encourages ongoing professional development, ‘good standing’, as staff update and maintain their capability as a teacher or supporter of learning appropriate to their role and career aspirations. Professional recognition is open to anyone who teaches or supports learning regardless of the stage in their career and role at Northumbria. Engaging in the process supports staff to achieve nationally benchmarked, portable and formal recognition for professionalism since our professional recognition scheme has been accredited by Advance HE. Depending on the role and the range of teaching and/ or learning support activities, staff can be recognised as Associate Fellow, Fellow, Senior Fellow or Principal Fellow.

Northumbria staff can find out more about the scheme by following this link.

National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS)


The purpose of the National Teaching Fellowship (NTF) Scheme is to recognise, reward and celebrate individuals who have made an outstanding impact on student outcomes and the teaching profession.  The NTF is organised and run by Advance HE.  Each Institution can put forward up to three NTF submissions per Institution.

Further NTFS information can be found on the Advance HE website - here.

  •  NTFS benefits to individuals and to institutions - here

NTF Attainment:

A number of current Northumbria University Staff have successfully attained an NTF Award; in some instances this may have been whilst working at another institution. They include:

Prof. John Unsworth: Health and Life Sciences 

Prof. Elizabeth Hoult: Health and Life Sciences 

Dr Elaine Gregerson (nee Campbell): Business and Law

Prof. Monika Foster: Business and Law

Dr Mel Gibson: Health and Life Sciences

Prof. Paul Jones: Engineering and Environment


Northumbria run an internal process annually to support colleagues towards NTF submissions. Colleagues can find out more here








Collaborative Award for Teaching Excellence (CATE)


The purpose of CATE is to recognise and celebrate collaborative work that has had a demonstrable impact on teaching and learning.  The scheme highlights the key role of teamwork in higher education.  The CATE is organised and run by Advance HE (incorporating the Higher Educating Academy).

Further CATE information can be found on the Advance HE website - here.  

CATE benefits to individuals and to institutions - here


Northumbria University run an annual internal process to support colleagues towards a CATE submission. Colleagues can find more information on CATE here.



Peer Observation and Support Scheme

Peer Observation and Support form a key element of the Continuing Professional Development (CPD) provision at Northumbria University and aims to facilitate continual improvement of learning and teaching through recognition, sharing and development of good practice. Peer observation of practice is an important collegial professional development tool for HE staff. It is a collaborative, non-judgemental process that aims to promote dialogue about how to engage students in learning. It enables staff to learn from each other through observing and being observed, thus gaining a shared understanding of best practice; it provides opportunities to observe students as they are learning, and helps Northumbria as an institution to identify developmental needs amongst its staff as a whole (Race, 2009). Within the Peer Support process, the learning from observing/reviewing professional practices of other staff is regarded as being as valuable as being reviewed/observed.

Northumbria staff can find out more about the scheme by following this link.

3 Rivers Conference

3 Rivers is the North East regional annual learning and teaching conference. The regional conference has built upon the success of previous partnership events held by the region’s Universities (Northumbria, Durham, Newcastle, Sunderland and Teesside).

 Northumbria staff can find out more about the conference by following this link.

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