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Monitoring and Review

Northumbria has clearly defined procedures for reviewing its programmes. The procedures are described in:

  • The Review Framework defines our requirements for Module Evaluation, Annual Programme Monitoring, Periodic Review, and use of student questionnaires.
  • The University Framework for Quality and Standards provides the broader picture of how quality and standards are assured and enhanced.

The Continuous Programme Performance Review (CPPR) process is part of the Review strand of the Northumbria University Quality and Standards Framework. CPPR replaced the Annual Programme Monitoring (APM) process from September 2021 and is the single process to be used across the institution including partner institutions and external campuses for reviewing modules, programmes and as appropriate subjects.

CPPR is a cyclical process based on the formal review of performance data, and implementation and evaluation of actions at two points of the 2024-2025 academic year for standard programmes and Apprenticeship programmes delivered at our Newcastle and London campuses and from 2025 -2026 at three points per annum for programmes delivered at our London campus.  The focus of each of the review points will be informed by the publication of key datasets.

At Newcastle campus the CPPR Departmental and Apprenticeship reports will be sent to Faculty Executive Group (FEG) for approval and at our London campus the reports will go to NU QA Strategic Partnership Education Committee (NU QASPEC).

The aim of Periodic Review is to assure the quality and standards of programmes and to promote enhancement of learning and teaching and of the student experience on those programmes within a subject discipline area. It is a peer review process, with involvement of the Students' Union on the panel, and operated on a 6 yearly cycle.

Reports from reviews carried out during the last cycle can be accessed here.

The Periodic Review Schedule 2014-2020 is available here.

For the purpose of panel approval an External Reviewer nomination form is available here.

This process is currently on hold.  Should you have any queries at present, please contact the review team at in the first instance.


As collaborative programmes are approved for fixed time periods, periodic review is primarily carried out through the programme re-approval process.

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