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Guidance for External Examiners

External Examiners other external bodies play a vital and highly valued role in assuring the standards of Northumbria awards. On this page you will find useful information relating to the role or an External Examiner as well as links to all of our assessment policies and guidance.

Additional Information for External Examiners

External Examiners appointed to Programme Assessment Boards and External Assessors for End Point Assessment will be entitled to appropriate expenses and fees at the standard University rates set out in the Fees and Expenses document linked below.  On appointment, External Examiners / Assessors will be advised of appropriate administrative contacts who will provide any further advice on the process.

Claims for fees should be submitted as soon as possible after submitting your annual report.  Fees will only be payable on receipt by the University of an annual report.  Claims for expenses can be submitted at any time.  All claims for fees and expenses should be submitted via the NU People and Finance system.  Guidance on accessing NU People and Finance and how to submit claims for expenses and fees can be found via the link below.


External Examiners for Postgraduate Research Oral Examinations and External Subject Specialists for Approval Panels will be entitled to appropriate expenses and fees at the standard University rates set out in the Fees and Expenses document linked above.  You will be advised of appropriate administrative contacts who will provide any further advice on the process.

Claims for expenses and fees should be submitted as soon as possible after the examination / approval panel meeting.

Each year Faculty level summaries of external examiner annual reports are compiled.  These Faculty overviews contribute to a University wide summary which is considered by the Education Committee and Academic Board.  Recent University wide summaries are available below:

External Examiners should contact the relevant Faculty Registrar for all queries concerning the administration of the process. Appropriate members of academic staff (ie Programme Leader/Head of Subject) will be the contact for academic queries.  Professional support teams will be the contact for moderation and visits (including attending exam boards). Contact information is provided on the letter of appointment.



Deputy Faculty Pro Vice

Chancellor Education



Faculty Registrar

Arts, Design and Social Sciences Professor Mary Krell Katherine Fawcett
Business and Law Professor Alex Hope Melanie Davis
Engineering and Environment Professor Jane Entwhistle Muriel Campion
Health and Life Sciences Professor John Unsworth

Gabrielle Jones


Quality and Teaching Excellence, Academic Registry, should be contacted for general queries regarding wider University policies and procedures via our enquiry form.

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