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MyAccess: Your Remote Desktop


What is MyAccess? 

MyAccess is the easiest way to get secure remote access to the desktops, files and specialist software that is installed on computers at Northumbria University. Using MyAccess, you will see the same desktop and software on your personal device that you would see if you were working on a computer on-campus. MyAccess will not work when you are on campus using University WIFI or when the classes are in use (before 18:00). You can access when you are off campus at any time on a Saturday or Sunday, or during vacations.

When will I use MyAccess?

MyAccess can be used after 18:00 Monday to Friday as long as the lab is not in use. Anytime on a Saturday and Sunday and during vacations. And as long as your device has an internet connection and not connected to our University WIFI.

MyAccess can be used to: 

  • Work on specialist software that is installed on University computers. 
  • Connect to your OneDrive account and work on your saved files. 
  • Remotely log in to a computer in a specific location on-campus. 

How do I connect to MyAccess?

To login to MyAccess, go to the following address: 

Enter your Northumbria University IT username and password and select Log On

How do I use MyAccess?

Once you have logged in to MyAccess, select the tab for Desktops at the top of the screen. 

You will see a list of locations on campus that contain computers for you to connect to and work on; these include both open access and specialist areas. 

The computers in these rooms have specialist software installed on them that isn't available on open access machines, so please only connect to these machines if you need to use this software. 

For more information, please view the MyAccess guide at the link below:

Where can I get further help?

IT Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

View IT Support contact details.

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