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Blackboard Assignments


What are Blackboard Assignments?

The Blackboard Assignment feature is one of the methods that you will use to submit assignments for marking and feedback during your studies here at Northumbria University.

Blackboard Assignments are an online location where you can submit work for marking. Grades and feedback for your work are then returned to you once your work has been marked. 

When will I use Blackboard Assignments? 

Blackboard Assignments are an essential tool at Northumbria; it is one method of submitting your work for marking. Your tutors grade your submitted work within the Blackboard Assignment and give helpful feedback to improve your knowledge and understanding.

Blackboard Assignments can be used for text-based submissions, but they can also be used for Computer-Aided Design (CAD) projects, portfolios, images, websites, and many more types of assignments. You can also submit multiple files using Blackboard Assignments.

The University has several policies for assessment. These policies, including relevant procedures and forms, can be accessed from the link below:

Northumbria University policies for assessment.

This information provides guidance on these policies, including relevant procedures and forms.

How do I access and use Blackboard Assignments? 

Blackboard Assignments are built into Blackboard, Northumbria University’s virtual learning environment. This makes them easy to use and it means that there is no need to install any extra software on your device.  Blackboard Assignments are a resource that Northumbria students become familiar with very quickly.  

After locating the assignment within your Blackboard module, you can select the assignment title to upload and submit your work.

Where can I get further help?

IT Support is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

View IT Support contact details.

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