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Employability and transferable skills focuses on how the knowledge and skills students need for their personal development and work-readiness are embedded within the curriculum and wider student experience.


I’m Andrew Haxell, Assistant Director (Graduate Futures) in Student, Library and Academic Services.

In this brief video I’m going to highlight the support available from careers, employability and placements advisers and coordinators in the Graduate Futures service to support and enhance the employability activity you are embedding in our academic programmes, to help our talented Northumbria students achieve the professional level employment and graduate level study outcomes they seek.

Graduate Futures is the new employability service, bringing together the resource, the expertise and skills and knowledge previously in the Careers and Employment Service and the Placements teams in Student Progress.  The new structure is being implemented from January 2020.

The service supports student career readiness, providing professional careers information, advice and guidance to students and recent graduates.  We want to ensure all students have a career plan, so they can decide, plan and compete for professional level roles or graduate level study opportunities as early as possible.

We work in partnership with Faculties and Departments advising on curriculum development to embed employability, and supporting Faculty plans, targets and activities to enhance student employability and graduate outcomes.

We can help you interpret and analyse key data sources
- Career Readiness Survey data,
- Destination data
   - from the previous DLHE surveys,
   - the new Graduate Outcomes survey data (available from spring 2020, with destination details for the 2017/18 leavers), and the
   - Longitudinal Education Outcomes data
        - which are used in the Teaching Excellence Framework metrics, and the different university league tables.

The team provides and coordinates opportunities for students to engage with graduate recruiters – through presentations and careers fairs.  We also develop and maintain student placement and internship opportunities, and work proactively with practice learning providers in many sectors.

We also encourage student and graduate enterprise – including supporting the development of new and innovative incubator space for graduate start-up businesses … a positive outcome for increasing numbers of our students.

Our services and support are designed for all students, but in addition we are undertaking a number of initiatives targeting support at Widening Participation students, to help reduce gaps in progression for students with certain characteristics, as part of the University’s Access and Participation Plan.

Our support to students takes the form of:
- online information and interactive self-help resources – available 24/7 on Careers Online
- 1:many sessions and events including workshops, employer and alumni panels and fairs
- 1:1  support to help with any aspect of a student’s career planning
with full details available on our website, or the Student Portal.

Thank you for listening.  We look forward to working with you to support the learning experience, improve the career readiness and enhance the graduate outcomes of your students.

Follow the quick links below for more details:

- Graduate Futures organisation chart (for key names and contacts)
- The student-facing Graduate Futures website, for more details about the support provided to students.
- SharePoint sites for:
     - Career Readiness data
     - DLHE data (destination data for leavers up to the 2016/17 cohort)
     - LEO data

Additional useful links and resources including:

Supporting Student Career Readiness: A guide for Personal Tutors

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