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I am particularly interested in studying disciplinary, cross-disciplinary and cross-boundary knowledge production and organisation, their social & ethical aspects, and issues of governance here, in the fields of forensics, biometrics, and health technology and systems.

In my work I draw on frameworks and methods from Science and Technology Studies (STS), Sociology, Anthropology, Sociological/Empirical Ethics, Bioethics, Public Engagement, and Critical Policy Analysis. My work is interdisciplinary and integrates engagement with scientific practitioners, publics & policy-makers.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Value beyond scientific Validity: Let’s RULE (Reliability, Utility, LEgitimacy), Wienroth, M. 4 Dec 2020, In: Journal of Responsible Innovation
  • Socio-technical disagreements as ethical fora: Parabon NanoLab's forensic DNA Snapshot (TM) service at the intersection of discourses around robust science, technology validation, and commerce, Wienroth, M. 1 Mar 2020, In: BioSocieties
  • Governing anticipatory technology practices. Forensic DNA phenotyping and the forensic genetics community in Europe, Wienroth, M. 7 May 2018, In: New Genetics & Society
  • Promissory Ethical Regimes: Publics and Public Goods in Genome Editing for Human Health, Wienroth, M., Scully, J. Dec 2021, In: Science and Public Policy
  • Research campaigns in the UK National Health Service: patient recruitment and questions of valuation, Wienroth, M., Pearce, C., McKevitt, C. 1 Sep 2019, In: Sociology of Health & Illness
  • Health technology identities and self. Patients’ appropriation of an assistive device for self-management of chronic illness, Wienroth, M., Lund Holm Thomsen, L., Høstgaard, A. 1 Jun 2020, In: Sociology of Health & Illness
  • An analysis of the Learning Health System in its First Decade: A Scoping Review, Platt, J., Raj, M., Wienroth, M. 19 Mar 2020, In: Journal of Medical Internet Research
  • Was this an Ending? The Destruction of Samples and Deletion of Records from the UK Police National DNA Database, Skinner, D., Wienroth, M. 31 Jul 2019, In: BJHS Themes
  • Knowing New Biotechnologies: Social Aspects of Technological Convergence, Wienroth, M., Rodrigues, E. 5 Mar 2015
  • Social and Ethical Aspects of Forensic Genetics: A Critical Review, Williams, R., Wienroth, M. Jul 2017, In: Forensic Science Review

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Invited talk: Invited Talk: Dissolving Boundaries, Fostering Dependencies. The New Forensic Genetics Assemblage 2024
  • Visiting an external academic institution: University of Luxembourg 2024
  • Invited talk: Key ethical considerations of new forensic genetics technologies 2024
  • Invited talk: Keynote: The Human in biometric surveillance: thoughts on identification, uncertainty and human rights 2023
  • Membership of network: COST-Action CA22135 Data Matters: Sociotechnical Challenges of European Migration and Border Control (DATAMIG) (External organisation) 2023
  • Invited talk: Keynote: Ethics as a Lived Practice. A Call for Critically Constructive Collaboration 2023
  • Oral presentation: “Circulating Technologies and Expertise across Migration and Crime Control. Biometric Surveillance in the Policing of the 'Crimmigrant Other'” 2023
  • Other: INTER-Mobility Leading Senior Researcher to Luxembourg Law School 2023/24 2023
  • Oral presentation: Conference talk: "Blurred Lines. The new political economy of forensic genetics" 2022
  • Other: International conference panel convenor: "Confluences of genetics and digital data in security settings" (EASST 2022) 2022

  • Sociology PhD January 31 2009
  • Politics MA (Hons) August 31 2005

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