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Dr Kelly Stockdale

Assistant Professor

Department: Social Sciences

Kelly Stockdale

I am a senior lecturer in criminology, and have previous experience working in police intelligence. My academic research is influenced by my practitioner background; I am a trained restorative justice facilitator and have extensive experience working with people who have offended and victims of crime. I have embedded restorative values across both teaching and research centralising people’s lived experiences of criminal justice and addressing the impact of stigma, inequalities, and social harm experienced by marginalised communities. Across my career I have strived to bridge the gap between academia and practice, and my research has practical application for those working in criminal justice and those teaching criminology.

My academic research falls across the following areas:

1. Criminology and criminal justice education researching and creating pedagogical toolkits for staff and students to develop their critical information literacy and consider whose voices are included, excluded, and marginalised.

2. Drugs and Alcohol. My current focus is around (Novel) Psychoactive Substances, particularly the impact of substance use for both staff and users in a police custody and prison setting. 2

3. Policing. I am particularly interested in police culture, organisational culture, and the role of police staff within the police force.

4. Restorative Justice, my PhD thesis explored the implementation of restorative justice across a police force in England and Wales

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Exploring the Criminology Curriculum – Using the Intersectionality Matrix as a Pedagogical Tool to Develop Students’ Critical Information Literacy Skills., Stockdale, K., Sweeney, R., McCluskey Dean, C. 2 Oct 2022, In: Journal of Criminal Justice Education
  • Stigma and Service Provision for Women Selling Sex. Findings from Community-based Participatory Research, Jobe, A., Stockdale, K., O’Neill, M. 3 Apr 2022, In: Ethics and Social Welfare
  • Exploring the intersections between novel psychoactive substances (NPS) and other substance use in a police custody suite setting in the north east of England, Addison, M., Stockdale, K., Mcgovern, R., Mcgovern, W., Mckinnon, I., Crowe, L., Hogan, L., Kaner, E. 4 Jul 2018, In: Drugs: Education, Prevention and Policy
  • A systematic review of the efficacy of alcohol interventions for incarcerated people, Newbury-Birch, D., Ferguson, J., Landale, S., Giles, E., McGeechan, G., Gill, C., Stockdale, K., Holloway, A. 1 Jul 2018, In: Alcohol and Alcoholism
  • Mapping the variability of outcomes used in efficacy and effectiveness trials of alcohol brief interventions: A systematic review, Shorter, G., Bray, J., Giles, E., O'Donnell, A., Berman, A., Holloway, A., Heather, N., Barbosa, C., Stockdale, K., Scott, S., Clarke, M., Newbury-Birch, D. 1 May 2019, In: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs
  • Pragmatic randomised controlled trial to evaluate the effectiveness and cost effectiveness of a multi-component intervention to reduce substance use and risk-taking behaviour in adolescents involved in the criminal justice system:: A trial protocol (RISKIT-CJS), Coulton, S., Stockdale, K., Marchand, C., Hendrie, N., Billings, J., Boniface, S., Butler, S., Deluca, P., Drummond, C., Newbury-Birch, D., Pellatt-Higgins, T., Stevens, A., Sutherland, A., Wilson, E. 11 Mar 2017, In: BMC Public Health
  • Diversifying the curriculum: Understanding students’ approaches to reading lists and developing student curator roles, Stockdale, K., Casselden, B., Sweeny, R. 1 Sep 2021
  • Insider? Outsider? Reflections on navigating positionality when researching restorative justice policing, Stockdale, K. 2017, Reflexivity and Criminal Justice, London, Palgrave Macmillan
  • Police understandings of restorative justice - the impact of rank and role, Stockdale, K. 4 May 2015, In: Restorative Justice
  • Policing, Jones, M., Stockdale, K. Jan 2017, An Introduction to Criminal Justice, London, SAGE

Sociology and Social Policy PhD January 14 2016

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