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Professor Karim Sorour


Department: Newcastle Business School

Karim is a Professor of Accounting and Corporate Governance and Deputy Head of the Accounting & Financial Management Department. He is an internationally recognised expert on corporate governance and CSR and his research focuses on the role of business in society with an emphasis on developing countries. He is also interested in qualitative research applications in Accounting and Business disciplines.  He is an associate editor of corporate governance and CSR section of Cogent Business & Management Journal; he is also an editorial board member for the Journal of Accounting in Emerging Economies as well as the Journal of Economics and Administrative Sciences. He serves as the chair of the British Accounting & Finance Association (BAFA) special interest group on Accounting & Finance in Emerging Economies (AFEE-SIG). His publications have appeared in leading academic international Journals such as the Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal, Journal of Business Ethics, Business & Society Journal, and Technological Forecasting and Social Change while his monographs were published by Palgrave MacMillan including a monograph on Corporate Governance in Africa.


Karim has a proven track record of knowledge transfer as he participated and led more than 30 consultancy and contract research projects focusing on improving management accounting practices in private and governmental organisations. With focus on research impact, he has also worked closely with senior leaders and board members in public companies and governmental organisations to reform their CSR/Governance systems. He also designed  and delivered many accounting and governance/ sustainability  short courses as well as academic modules  at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. He was recently awarded two British Council funded projects focused on digital financial inclusion and designing of inclusive transnational programmes.

Karim is a Certified Management Accountant (CMA-USA) and holds a PhD in Corporate Governance

Karim Sorour

Corporate Governance; CSR; Management Accounting; Social Media Governance 

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Exploring the Evolving Motives Underlying Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Disclosures in Developing Countries: The Case of ‘Political CSR’ Reporting, Sorour, K., Shrives, P., El Sakhawy, A., Soobaroyen, T. 7 Jun 2021, In: Accounting, Auditing and Accountability Journal
  • The role of Corporate Social Responsibility in Organisational Identity Communication, Co-Creation and Orientation, Sorour, K., Boadou, M., Soobaroyen, T. 1 Sep 2021, In: Journal of Business Ethics
  • Institutional theory and Evolution of 'A Legitimate' compliance culture: the case of the UK financial service sector, Mason Burdon, W., Sorour, M. 1 Feb 2020, In: Journal of Business Ethics
  • Integration v. polarisation among social media users: Perspectives through social capital theory on the recent Egyptian political landscape: Perspectives through Social Capital Theory on The Recent Egyptian Political Landscape, Ali, M., Azab, N., Sorour, K., Dora, M. 1 Aug 2019, In: Technological Forecasting and Social Change
  • Examining the link between religion and corporate governance: insights from Nigeria, Nakpodia, F., Shrives, P., Sorour, K. 22 Jan 2018, In: Business & Society
  • Corporate Governance in Africa: Assessing Implementation and Ethical Perspectives, Howell, K., Sorour, K. 9 May 2016
  • On The Evolution of Corporate Governance Culture in Africa: The case of the Egyptian Banking Sector, Sorour, K., Sakhaway, A. 9 May 2016, Corporate Governance in Africa: Assessing Implementation and Ethical Perspectives, Basingstoke, Macmillan
  • The impact of M&A on the Nigerian financial market : A pre-post analysis, Abdou, H., Agbeyo, O., Jones, K., Sorour, K. 8 Apr 2016, In: Investment Management and Financial Innovations
  • Enabling better port governance in developing countries: The role of information technology: The role of information technology, Sorour, K., Abdul-Mageed, L. 26 Oct 2015, ICTs in Developing Countries, London, Palgrave Macmillan
  • ICTs in Developing Countries: Research, practices and policy implications: Research, practices and policy implications, Dey, B., Sorour, K., Filieri, R. 26 Oct 2015

Rebecca Prestwood Accountants and sustainability in regions of different climate-related risk Start Date: 21/01/2025

  • Education Other Qualification April 10 2015
  • Business and Administration PhD June 30 2011
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2015

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