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Dr Andrew Suggitt

Assistant Professor

Department: Geography and Environmental Sciences

My research examines the effects of environmental change on the natural world. I am particularly interested in the extent to which an organism's local climate - its so-called microclimate - interacts with wider climatic conditions and shifts to define its niche, and ultimately, how this affects its prospects under contemporary climatic change.

I am lucky to be working with a team of superb collaborators in the UK, across Europe and around the world. Our latest projects combine state-of-the-art microclimate modelling techniques with a new digitised map of land use in Great Britain to investigate how long-term changes in our climate and land use affect extinction risk in plant and animal species. We are also working to inform climate change adaptation efforts by identifying and describing climatic refugia for range-retracting species.

I am always open to new ideas, projects or 'adventures' - send me an email 🌱

Google Scholar



Pronouns: He/him.


PhD Students

Sarah Woods, Northumbria PhD Student, 2023-27. Project title: 'Nocturnal pollinators in the Anthropocene: How are nocturnal Lepidoptera affected by urbanisation and other anthropogenic factors?'. Principal supervisor Andy Suggitt, Co-supervisors Dr Mark Goddard & Dr Katherine Baldock.

Alana Thornton, Northumbria NERC One Planet DTP PhD Student 2023-27. Project title: 'Where the wild things go: finding and creating refugia from climate change in Northern Britain'. Principal supervisor Andy Suggitt, Co-supervisors Dr Simon Duffield, Dr Rachel Gaulton & Dr Francis Massé.

Kate Halstead, Newcastle University NERC One Planet DTP PhD Student 2021-25. Project title: 'Reducing the impact of climate change and other environmental stresses on native uk oak tree health: a study of wind storms'. Principal supervisor Dr Rachel Gaulton, Co-supervisors Dr Roy Sanderson & Andy Suggitt.

Jamie McKeown, Newcastle University NERC One Planet DTP PhD Student 2022-26. Project title: 'Resilient treescapes for a changing climate: a mathematical approach'. Principal supervisor Dr Nick Parker, Co-supervisors Dr Andrew Baggaley, Dr Laura Wadkin & Andy Suggitt.

Sophie Carolan, Newcastle University NERC One Planet DTP PhD Student 2023-27. Project title: 'Understanding the dynamics and resilience of marginal coral reef ecosystems in the central Caribbean'. Principal supervisor Dr James Guest, Co-supervisors Dr Marco Fusi, Dr Dan Exton & Andy Suggitt.

Theresa Campbell-Carbon, Northumbria RDF PhD Student 2023-29. Project title: 'How can spatial planning better mainstream action on health inequalities by accounting for climate change adaptation principles?'. Principal supervisor Prof Alister Scott, Co-supervisors Prof Angela Bate & Andy Suggitt.

Hannah Burger, SLU Uppsala Vetenskapsrådet Formas PhD Student 2024-28. Project title: 'Area-based protection in an era of land-use and climate change'. Principal supervisor Dr Alistair Auffret, Co-supervisors Dr Mari Jönsson & Andy Suggitt.

Ellen Sharkey, Newcastle University NERC One Planet PhD student 2024-28. Project title: 'Extinctions in Paradise? The Impacts of Climate Change on Endemic Amphibians of the Seychelles Archipelago'. Principal supervisor Dr Simon Maddock, Co-supervisors Dr Louise Mair, Dr Gerard Rocamora & Andy Suggitt.


PhD Alumni

Andrea Cristiano, Northumbria RDF PhD Student, 2021-24. Project title: 'All change? Biodiversity, range shift, climate change and land use change in The Anthropocene'. Principal supervisor Andy Suggitt, Co-supervisor Dr Mike Jeffries.

Matthew Floyd, Northumbria RDF PhD Student 2020-24. Project title: 'Spatial dynamics of Maldivian seagrass meadows and their role in ecosystem services for marine conservation'. Principal supervisor (mat cover) Andy Suggitt, Principal supervisor (mat leave) Dr Holly East, Co-supervisors Dr Vasile Ersek, Dr James Guest & Vivienne Evans.

Francesca Ridley, Newcastle University NERC One Planet DTP PhD Student 2019-23. Project title: 'Predicting return on investment of biodiversity conservation measures'. Principal supervisor Prof Philip McGowan, Co-supervisors Dr Louise Mair & Andy Suggitt.


Research Environment

I believe in team environments that are safe, happy places to be in- where swapping ideas is fun, diversity is celebrated, and different voices are encouraged. I try to make myself better at fostering these environments by listening to and working with others who have different backgrounds, career paths and experiences to me. I am also a trained Mental Health First Aider with MHFA England and would call myself an LGBTQ+ proud ally.


Teaching Environment

I love teaching science as much as I love doing research and I think the two are intrinsically linked. I am committed to improving my teaching and am proud to say that I'm a Fellow of the Higher Education Academy. I also make short films about the natural world for my Vimeo channel aimed at students and the public.

I am a big believer in the power of getting out there and experiencing what you study firsthand in the field, whether it's atop a far-flung mountain or in a local nature reserve close to home. To that end I try to spend as much of my time outdoors as I can get away with, and that includes playtime too- I'm a keen runner, swimmer, surfer, hiker and kayaker.


Qualifications and professional memberships

PhD in Ecology, University of York, 2007-11.
Member, British Ecological Society, 2008+.
Member, British Exploring Society, 2012+.
UKCC Level 2 Canoe & Kayak Coach, British Canoeing, 2015+.
Fellow, Royal Geographical Society, 2019+.
Mountain Leader (Summer), Mountain Training UK, 2022+.
Institute for Leadership & Management, Level 5 Coaching & Mentoring Trainee, 2024+.

Andrew Suggitt

0191 227 3888

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Anthropogenic climate and land-use change drive short and long-term biodiversity shifts across taxa, Montràs-Janer, T., Suggitt, A., Fox, R., Jönsson, M., Martay, B., Roy, D., Walker, K., Auffret, A. 1 Apr 2024, In: Nature Ecology and Evolution
  • Linking climate warming and land conversion to species’ range changes across Great Britain, Suggitt, A., Wheatley, C., Aucott, P., Beale, C., Fox, R., Hill, J., Isaac, N., Martay, B., Southall, H., Thomas, C., Walker, K., Auffret, A. 30 Oct 2023, In: Nature Communications
  • Rapid seagrass meadow expansion in an Indian Ocean bright spot, Floyd, M., East, H., Traganos, D., Musthag, A., Guest, J., Hashim, A., Evans, V., Helber, S., Unsworth, R., Suggitt, A. 13 May 2024, In: Scientific Reports
  • Global mismatches between threat mapping research effort and the potential of threat abatement actions to reduce extinction risk, Ridley, F., Rushton, S., Hickinbotham, E., Suggitt, A., McGowan, P., Mair, L. 1 Aug 2024, In: Conservation Biology
  • Precipitation buffers temperature-driven local extinctions of moths at warm range margins, Hordley, L., Fox, R., Suggitt, A., Bourn, N. 1 May 2023, In: Ecology Letters

  • Sarah Woods Nocturnal Pollinators In The Anthropocene: How Are Nocturnal Lepidoptera Affected By Urbanisation And Climate Change? Start Date: 01/03/2023
  • Alana Thornton Where the wild things go: finding and creating refugia from climate change in Northern Britain Start Date: 01/10/2023
  • Andrea Cristiano Biodiversity, range shift, climate change and land use change in the Anthropocene – the case of mammal species of Great Britain Start Date: 18/01/2021

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