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Professor Roger Penlington


Department: Mechanical and Construction Engineering

Roger did his first degree at Sheffield City Polytechnic and his post-graduate study, a PhD was in glass manufacture at Sheffield Hallam University. 

He joined Northumbria in 1994 to undertake research into glass manufacture, specifically aspects related to heat transfer, fluid flow and the container forming processes. Roger took up a lecturing role in 1998 and was awarded a personal Teaching Fellowship in recognition of research into engineering education in 2006.

Roger is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering in the Department of Mechanical and Construction Engineering.  For several years, as Head of Education, he led the Department's approach to all educational provision and had responsibility for the quality of student learning, teaching excellence and student satisfaction and experience. He now, as Head of EDI, provides for the development of colleagues and leads a series of actions on equality, diversity and inclusion.  He is also undertaking funded research on EDI advancement in engineering.

Roger’s research supervision covers the areas of engineering education, manufacturing processes and glass technology, supervising to completion 15 PhDs he is an active External Examiner for both taught and research programmes at other HEIs.

As a Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy and Fellow of the Staff and Education Development Association Roger has delivered educational development workshops at many HEIs in the UK and Overseas.  Roger is an Honourary Professor of the Durham Energy institute.

Supporting the Society of Glass Technology as a Fellow, Member of Council and Steering Committee Roger served as the Society’s President from 2012 to 2014.

Roger is currently the Chair of the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research Network.

Roger Penlington

Campus Address

Wynne Jones Building

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • New academics’ experiences of induction to teaching: using Cultural Historical Activity Theory (CHAT) to understand and improve induction experiences, Mathieson, S., Black, K., Allin, L., Hooper, H., Penlington, R., McInnes, L., Orme, L., Anderson, E. 2 Jul 2024, In: International Journal for Academic Development
  • Enhancing University mentoring practice through Activity Theory analysis of the lived experiences of Learning and Teaching mentors, Hooper, H., Allan, J., Allin, L., Elsdon, M., Mathieson, S., Penlington, R. 4 Dec 2023, Higher Education Research, Practice, and Policy: Connections & Complexities
  • Promoting Awareness Of, And Sharing Good Practices On, Supporting Engineering Students With Disabilities, Wint, N., Saunters-Smits, G., Penlington, R. 9 Nov 2023, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI), Dublin, Ireland, Technical University Dublin
  • The Role of Massive Ice and Exposed Headwall Properties on Retrogressive Thaw Slump Activity, Hayes, S., Lim, M., Whalen, D., Mann, P., Fraser, P., Penlington, R., Martin, J. Nov 2022, In: Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface
  • Culture shock and the gendered teaching experiences of new academics., Hooper, H., Mathieson, S., Black, K., Allin, L., Orme, L., Anderson, E., Penlington, R., McInnes, L. 7 Dec 2021, Society for Research into Higher Education: Annual International Research Conference 2021
  • Fit for purpose? Engineering educators', teacher training & engineering scholarship, Clark, R., Penlington, R., Andrews, J., Knowles, G. 1 Jan 2020, SEFI 47th Annual Conference, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
  • Valuing diversity and establishing an approach to supporting excluded groups, Tudor, J., Penlington, R. 3 Jan 2020, The Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference of the UK & Ireland Engineering Education Research Network, Coventry, WMG, University of Warwick
  • Analysis of labour market needs for engineers with enhanced knowledge in renewable energy in some European and Latin-American Countries, Comodi, G., Cioccolanti, L., Mahkamov, K., Penlington, R., Lapuerta, M., Hernandez, J., Lora, E., Venturini, O., Cobas, V., Palacio, J., Freires, F., Torres, E., Da Silva, J., Kafarov, V., Velasco, J., Martinez, J., Salcedo, G., Suárez, I., Jaen, R., Gonzalez, J., Fernandez, M., Faure, L., Oliva-Merencio, D., Reyes, I., Salas, J., Ramírez, C. 2019, In: Energy Procedia
  • Is engineering education fit for purpose in the 21st century?, Roger, P., Andrews, J., Clark, R. 2019, Proceedings of the 46th SEFI Annual Conference 2018, European Society for Engineering Education (SEFI)
  • New academics’ experiences of induction to teaching: an Activity Theory approach, Mathieson, S., Allin, L., Penlington, R., Black, K., Orme, E., Anderson, E., Hooper, H., McInnes, L. 31 Dec 2019

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Other: CUSP (Culture for Sustainable Peace) network award, 2021. Development of Intercultural Competencies for women engineers: a Story Circles approach. Amount: £10,000 2021
  • Other: British Council EME (English Medium Education) and Gender Research Grant, 2021. An EME-focussed investigation into barriers facing female engineers. Amount: £100,000 2021

  • Education PGCE August 01 1994
  • Engineering PhD August 01 1994
  • Engineering BEng (Hons) June 30 1991
  • Fellow Staff and Educational Development Association (FSEDA) Staff and Educational Development Association (SEDA) 2017
  • Senior Fellow Higher Education Academ (SFHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2016
  • Fellow Higher Education Academy (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 1999

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