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Dr Kathryn McEwan


Department: Social Work, Education and Community Wellbeing

Kathryn McEwan is a lecturer in Health and Social Care at the University of Northumbria. After completing a PhD in youth transitions, social class, and social inequalities, she moved into the health research field, completing two post-docs. Initially, working on the value and impact of specialist nursing for people with Parkinson's (using grounded theory), followed by, investigating the outcomes of those accessing specialist palliative care services at the end-of-life at home (using realist evaluation).

She is currently working on papers and further research on how we can have better conversations on death and dying, including improving death education and how we might best support informal caregivers at the end of life.

Kathryn is a co-convener for the British Sociological Association (BSA) Early Career Forum, where along with her colleagues they provide space, events, and resources to support early career sociologists to move into the next stage of their careers (within and outwith schools of social science).

Kathryn McEwan

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • ‘For Want of a Nail’: developing a transparent approach to retroduction and early initial programme theory development in a realist evaluation of community end of life care services, McEwan, K., Girling, M., Bate, A., Atkinson, J., Clarke, A., Dalkin, S. 3 Jul 2024, In: International Journal of Social Research Methodology
  • Providing ‘professionalism with compassion’; how the time for caring communication can improve experiences at the end-of-life at home, findings from a realist evaluation, McEwan, K., Atkinson, J., Clarke, A., Bate, A., Jeffery, C., Dalkin, S. 21 Dec 2024, In: BMC Palliative Care
  • The impact and value of the Parkinson’s nurse specialist to people with Parkinson’s and their care partners: a grounded theory qualitative study, McEwan, K., Clarke, A., Dalkin, S., Hand, A. 28 Oct 2024, In: BMC Nursing
  • Drinking Carling Out of Stella Glasses: People and Place in the Missing Middle, McEwan, K. 20 Jan 2021, In: Frontiers in Sociology
  • Precarious class positions in Spam City: youth, place and class in the ‘missing middle’, McEwan, K. 21 Aug 2019, Youth, Place and Theories of Belonging, Abingdon, Taylor & Francis

Sociology PhD September 01 2018

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