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Nicola Grimaldi

Assistant Professor (Practice)

Department: Northumbria School of Design, Arts and Creative Industries

ADSS_Staff _Nicola -Grimaldi _Senior -Lecturer -Fine -ArtAfter graduating in 1993 from Northumbria University with a Master of Arts Degree in the Conservation of Fine Art Nicola Grimaldi spent many years working in private practice. Clients have included many Regional and National Museums and Galleries, organisations such as National Trust, and Chatsworth Trust. From 2004 she was employed by Tyne and Wear Museums as the painting conservator for a collection of around 3000 easel paintings. During this period she was involved in overseeing major projects such as National Gallery Partnership Exhibition with Tyne and Wear Museums.

Nicola has been involved with the preparation of loans and courier duties for many National and International organisations including the Teniers Exhibition in Germany in 2006 and an exhibition of work by Paul Gauguin and Van Gogh in Dallas Museum of Art 2006. She supervised and advised on care of collections, including storage, packing and handling and was also involved in training internal and external museum staff as part of Renaissance in the Region project in aspects of care of easel paintings and general collections care. She is currently employed by Northumbria University as Senior Lecturer for the Masters Degree in Conservation of Fine Art teaching aspects of painting conservation as well as supervising MA dissertation projects. Nicola is also involved in external work for the University including research and consultancy.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • From death to the Virgin birth: Multi-analytical investigation of a suspected 16th century painting, Carlin, M., Grimaldi, N. 1 Dec 2024, In: Forensic Science International: Reports
  • Aquazol as a consolidant for matte paint on Vietnamese paintings, Ebert, B., Singer, B., Grimaldi, N. 2012, In: Journal of the Institute of Conservation
  • Analysis and conservation treatment of Vietnamese paintings, Ebert, B., MacMillan-Armstrong, S., Grimaldi, N., Singer, B. Aug 2011, 16th ICOM-CC triennial Conference
  • 'Disrobing Suky': One Mistress but Two Masters? The examination of a portrait of Susanna Trevelyan, Grimaldi, N., Capadose, J. 1 Feb 2011, In: British Art Journal
  • Analysis of Vietnamese oil paintings affected by sulphur dioxide pollution, Singer, B., McMillan, S., Grimaldi, N., Brown, J. 2009, Essays on Modern and Contemporary Vietnamese Art, Singapore, Singapore Art Museum
  • Testing limonene as a possible alternative solvent to petroleum based aromatic hydrocarbons for use in conservation, Grimaldi, N., Singer, B., Richards, N. 24 Apr 2009, Going green: towards sustainability in conservation
  • Analysis of Vietnamese oil paintings affected by sulphur dioxide pollution, Singer, B., McMillan, S., Grimaldi, N., Brown, J. 16 May 2008, Symposium on modern and contemporary Vietnamese art

  • Teaching & Learning PCAPL October 11 2007
  • Fine Art MA September 01 1991
  • Fine Art BFA September 01 1988
  • Fellow (FHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2015

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