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  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Athlete Burnout Questionnaire (ABQ), Grugan, M., Olsson, L., Vaughan, R., Madigan, D., Hill, A. 1 Jul 2024, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  • Studying Perfectionistic Climates, Grugan, M., Fenwick, L., Olsson, L. 23 Jun 2023, The Psychology of Perfectionism in Sport, Dance, and Exercise, London, Taylor & Francis
  • Trait Perfectionism, Perfectionistic Self-Presentation, and Muscle Dysmorphia in Male Exercisers: A Structural Equation Modeling Strategy, Grugan, M., Wright, K. 9 Nov 2023, In: Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
  • Do Athlete and Coach Performance Perfectionism Predict Athlete Burnout?, Olsson, L., Madigan, D., Hill, A., Grugan, M. 3 Jul 2022, In: European Journal of Sport Science
  • Perfectionism and Burnout in Athletes: The Mediating Role of Perceived Stress, Olsson, L., Grugan, M., Martin, J., Madigan, D. 1 Mar 2022, In: Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology
  • Development and initial validation of the Perfectionistic Climate Questionnaire-Sport (PCQ-S), Grugan, M., Hill, A., Mallinson-Howard, S., Donachie, T., Olsson, L., Madigan, D., Vaughan, R. 1 Sep 2021, In: Psychology of Sport and Exercise
  • Perfectionism in Academically Gifted Students: A Systematic Review, Grugan, M., Hill, A., Madigan, D., Donachie, T., Olsson, L., Etherson, M. 1 Dec 2021, In: Educational Psychology Review
  • Introducing Perfectionistic Climate, Hill, A., Grugan, M. 1 Jan 2020, In: Perspectives on Early Childhood Psychology and Education
  • Perfectionism and attitudes towards doping in athletes: A continuously cumulating meta-analysis and test of the 2 × 2 model, Madigan, D., Mallinson-Howard, S., Grugan, M., Hill, A. 20 Oct 2020, In: European Journal of Sport Science
  • The Relationships Between Perfectionism, Angry Reactions, and Antisocial Behavior in Team Sport, Grugan, M., Jowett, G., Mallinson-Howard, S., Hall, H. 1 Nov 2020, In: Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology

Science MA March 09 2018

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