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Professor Joanne Gray


Department: Nursing, Midwifery & Health

 I am an experienced health economist with special interests in economic evaluation of health & social care interventions and priority setting methods to help underpin commissioning processes.

Joanne Gray

Campus Address

Coach Lane Campus West, B Block
Northumbria University
Newcastle upon Tyne

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Structured Cardiac Assessment and Treatment Following Exacerbations of COPD (SCATECOPD): A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial, Kibbler, J., Pakpahan, E., McCarthy, S., Webb-Mitchell, R., Prasad, A., Ripley, D., Gray, J., Bourke, S., Steer, J. 7 Mar 2025, In: Biomedicines
  • Bathing Adaptations in the Homes of Older Adults (BATH-OUT-2): study protocol for a randomised controlled trial, economic evaluation and process evaluation, Whitehead, P., Belshaw, S., Brady, S., Coleman, E., Dean, A., Doherty, L., Fairhurst, C., Francis-Farrell, S., Golding-Day, M., Gray, J., Martland, M., McAnuff, J., McCarthy, A., McMeekin, P., Mitchell, N., Narayanasamy, M., Newman, C., Parker, A., Rapley, T., Rodgers, S., Rooney, L., Russell, R., Sheard, L., Torgerson, D. 22 Jan 2024, In: Trials
  • Costs of endovascular and open repair of thoracic aortic aneurysms, Gray, J., McCarthy, A., Samarakoon, D., McMeekin, P., Sharples, L., Sastry, P., Crawshaw, P., Bicknell, C. 1 Jan 2024, In: British Journal of Surgery
  • Health inequalities and health-related economic inactivity: Why good work needs good health, Crawshaw, P., Gray, J., Haighton, C., Lloyd, S. 1 Dec 2024, In: Public Health in Practice
  • Longitudinal health-related quality of life in people with thoracic aortic aneurysms, Sharples, L., Anagnostopoulou, V., Pouncey, A., Freeman, C., McCarthy, A., Gray, J., McMeekin, P., Sastry, P., Vale, L., Bicknell, C., Large, S. Sep 2024, In: British Journal of Surgery
  • Nationally Automated Colonoscopy Performance Feedback Increases Polyp Detection: The NED APRIQOT Randomized Controlled Trial, Catlow, J., Sharp, L., Wagnild, J., Lu, L., Bhardwaj-Gosling, R., Ogundimu, E., Kasim, A., Brookes, M., Lee, T., McCarthy, S., Gray, J., Sniehotta, F., Valori, R., Westwood, C., McNally, R., Ruwende, J., Sinclair, S., Deane, J., Rutter, M. 1 Sep 2024, In: Clinical Gastroenterology and Hepatology
  • Quantifying the cost savings and health impacts of improving colonoscopy quality: an economic evaluation, McCarthy, S., Rutter, M., McMeekin, P., Catlow, J., Sharp, L., Brookes, M., Valori, R., Bhardwaj-Gosling, R., Lee, T., McNally, R., McCarthy, A., Gray, J. 26 Jun 2024, In: BMJ Quality & Safety
  • ‘The book’s a conversation starter’: a realist exploration of the salutogenic potential of reading for pleasure, Sirisena, M., Lhussier, M., Kaner, E., Wearn, A., Gray, J., James, R., Redgate, S. 23 Sep 2024, In: Medical Humanities
  • Digital health coaching to improve patient preparedness for elective lower limb arthroplasty: a quality improvement project, Powley, N., Tew, G., Durrand, J., Carr, E., Nesbitt, A., Hackett, R., Gray, J., McCarthy, S., Beatty, M., Huddleston, R., Danjoux, G. 7 Dec 2023, In: BMJ Open Quality
  • Resource Allocation in a National Dental Service Using Program Budgeting Marginal Analysis, Vernazza, C., Carr, K., Holmes, R., Wildman, J., Gray, J., Exley, C., Smith, R., Donaldson, C. 1 Jan 2023, In: JDR Clinical & Translational Research

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Developing an NIHR Health and Social care Delivery Research (HSDR) national evaluation team: InterDisciplinary Evaluation of complex innovations in heAlth and Social care (IDEAS) Centre, Bate, A. (Principal Investigator), Gray, J. (Co Investigator), National Institute for Health Research, 01/02/25 - 31/01/30, £3,028,752.00
  • Early Aortic Repair in patients Needing Endovascular/open Surgery for Type B Aortic Dissection (EARNEST): A randomised trial to assess the clinical and cost-effectiveness of thoracic endovascular aortic repair in the subacute phase, Gray, J. (Principal Investigator), National Institute for Health Research, 01/09/24 - 28/02/34, £210,136.00
  • tNIVOW - Standard versus accelerated weaning from non-invasive ventilation in COPD directed by the NIV Outcomes score, Gray, J. (Principal Investigator), National Institute for Health Research, 01/08/22 - 31/07/25, £55,043.00

Karen Brewin Standard versus accelerated weaning from non-invasive ventilation (NIV) in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease directed by the NIVO score: a randomised controlled trial (NIVOW) Start Date: 01/10/2023

Education PGCE September 01 1993

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