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Helena's research focuses on European security governance, in particular the governance of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice, and comprises four strands:

1) The governance of specific policy fields within Justice and Home Affairs, namely organised crime and cybersecurity;

2) the governance of the external dimension of the Area of Freedom, Security and Justice; 

3) the governance of Brexit in relation to internal security;

4) the modes of governance present in internal security, including for example privatisation and agencification.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Complex harms of migration externalisation: EU policy ‘creep’ processes into domestic counterterrorism at the Turkey-Iran border, Augustova, K., Ilbiz, E., Farrand Carrapico, H. 1 Mar 2024, In: Journal of International Relations and Development
  • Cybersecurity Trends in the European Union: Regulatory Mercantilism and the Digitalisation of Geopolitics, Farrand Carrapico, H., Farrand, B. 23 Jun 2024, In: Journal of Common Market Studies
  • Frontex goes global: A two‐level experimentalist governance analysis of Frontex's international action and its role within the externalisation of EU borders, Zhong, Y., Farrand Carrapico, H. 1 Mar 2024, In: Contemporary European Politics
  • The Development of Frontex: integration through supranationalism, Zhong, Y., Farrand Carrapico, H. 14 Mar 2024, In: European Politics and Society
  • Becoming a Smuggler: Migration and Violence at EU External Borders, Augustova, K., Carrapico, H., Obradović-Wochnik, J. 15 Mar 2023, In: Geopolitics
  • Push and Back: the Ripple Effect of EU Border Externalisation from Croatia to Iran, Augustova, K., Farrand Carrapico, H., Obradović-Wochnik, J. 1 Aug 2023, In: Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space
  • Digital/sovereignty and European security integration: an introduction, Bellanova, R., Carrapico, H., Duez, D. 2022, In: European Security
  • Digital Sovereignty and Taking Back Control: From Regulatory Capitalism to Regulatory Mercantilism in EU Cybersecurity, Farrand, B., Farrand Carrapico, H. 2022, In: European Security
  • UK’s withdrawal from Justice and Home Affairs: a historical institutionalist analysis of policy trajectories, Wolff, S., Piquet, A., Farrand Carrapico, H. 1 Oct 2022, In: Comparative European Politics
  • 'We're All EU Citizens, But Some Are More Migrants Than Others': The Impact of Brexit on the Portuguese Community Residing in the United Kingdom, Carrapico, H. 30 Sep 2022, Brexit and the Migrant Voice, London, Taylor & Francis

Konstantinos Manakos The EU's Digital Sovereignity: Influence and Impacts on the governance of the UK's digital and technological realm Start Date: 01/10/2023

Courses I teach on:

- IR7011 and AT7038- European Security Governance and Conflict

-IR6010- War Games- learning negotiation and diplomacy through simulations

-SO6002- Dissertation Module

  • International Politics PhD June 30 2010
  • Politics MRes June 30 2006
  • European CommunityStudies MA (Hons) July 31 2003
  • Senior Fellow (SFHEA) Higher Education Academy (HEA) 2019

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