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I hold a Chair in Applied Psychology at Northumbria University and am a Visiting Professor at Newcastle University.  I am a Co-Director of the UK's Centre for Digital Citizens, a £9m collaboration between the Universities of Newcastle, Northumbria, Edinbugh and UCL. My work primarily addresses issues of identity, trust, privacy and security in new social media, with a particular focus on digital inequality. In the last five years, I’ve secured over £2m in research funding, have published over forty articles on digital behaviour and have worked with government and industry to generate social and business impact from this work.  I’m one of the founder members of the UK's Research Institute in Sociotechnical Cybersecurity, funded by the National CyberSecurity Centre (NCSC) in association with UKRI's Global Uncertainty Programme and my most recent research awards address both usable and inclusive privacy and security.   I have contributed to three UK Government Office for Science reports (The Future of Identity; Using Behavioural Insights to Improve the Public’s use of Cyber Security Best Practice and Responsible Use of Data).  I have worked with the European Commission’s High Level Group of Scientific Advisors, contributing to a workshop on Secure Digital Identities as part of the EC’s Scientific Advice Mechanism (Vilnius) and was an invited contributer to a 2021 USAID/UKRI workshop 'Shaping the Future of Inclusive Digital Development'.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Adaptive Incentive Engineering in Citizen-Centric AI, Koohy, B., Buermann, J., Yazdanpanah, V., Briggs, P., Pschierer-Barnfather, P., Gerding, E., Stein, S. 6 May 2024, AAMAS '24: Proceedings of the 23rd International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, Richland, SC, USA, International Foundation for Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (IFAAMAS)
  • Digital accumulation behaviours and information management in the workplace: exploring the tensions between digital data hoarding, organisational culture and policy, McKellar, K., Sillence, E., Neave, N., Briggs, P. 25 Apr 2024, In: Behaviour and Information Technology
  • Using Breach and Attack Demonstrations to Explain Spear Phishing Attacks to Young Adults, Briddick, C., Briggs, P., Nicholson, J. 11 Jun 2024, Information Security Education - Challenges in the Digital Age (WISE 2024), Cham, Springer
  • Designing for the Embedding of Employee Voice, Abdulgalimov, D., Kirkham, R., Lindsay, S., Vlachokyriakos, V., Nicholson, J., Dao, E., Kos, D., Jitnah, D., Briggs, P., Olivier, P. 14 Apr 2023, In: Proceedings of the ACM on Human-Computer Interaction
  • Development of a new ‘human cyber-resilience scale’, Joinson, A., Dixon, M., Coventry, L., Briggs, P. 19 Apr 2023, In: Journal of Cybersecurity
  • Life after lockdown: The experiences of older adults in a contactless digital world, Morrison, B., Nicholson, J., Wood, B., Briggs, P. 13 Jan 2023, In: Frontiers in Psychology
  • Recognising Diversity in Older Adults’ Cybersecurity Needs, Morrison, B., Nicholson, J., Coventry, L., Briggs, P. 6 Sep 2023, ACM International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good (GoodIT ’23), September 06–08, 2023, Lisbon, Portugal., New York, US, ACM
  • The emotional and financial impact of de-platforming on creators at the margins, Are, C., Briggs, P. 2023, In: Social Media and Society
  • Correction to: Exploring digital support for the student transition to university through questionable concepts (Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, (2022), 26, 1, (79-92), 10.1007/s00779-021-01570-z), Thomas, L., Vines, J., Briggs, P. 1 Feb 2022, In: Personal and Ubiquitous Computing
  • Cyber Insurance from the stakeholder's perspective: A qualitative analysis of barriers and facilitators to adoption, Branley-Bell, D., Coventry, L., Briggs, P. 29 Sep 2022, EuroUSEC 2022 , New York, US, ACM

  • Benjamin Morrison A Mixed Methods Approach to Understanding Cyber-Security Vulnerability in the Baby Boomer Population Start Date: 01/10/2017 End Date: 18/11/2020
  • Ruth Crabtree Student Engagement within Higher Education: An Analysis of Staff and Student’s Opinions Beyond Academic Engagement Start Date: 01/10/2016 End Date: 22/10/2020
  • Pirkko Tikka Reading on Small Displays: Reading Performance and Perceived Ease of Reading Start Date: 20/09/2007 End Date: 07/11/2013
  • Amit Naik Information Security Governance: Differences in perceptions of Policymakers and Employees Start Date: 01/01/2015 End Date: 21/01/2022
  • Ruth Crabtree Student Engagement within Higher Education: An Analysis of Staff and Student’s Opinions Beyond Academic Engagement Start Date: 01/10/2016 End Date: 18/11/2020
  • Thanyalak Boonlue Self-Compassion, Psychological Resilience and Social Media Use in Thai and British Higher Education Students Start Date: 01/11/2013 End Date: 24/08/2017

Psychology PhD September 07 1983

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