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Dr Louise Burnie

Assistant Professor

Department: Sport, Exercise and Rehabilitation

After completing an MEng in Civil Engineering at Imperial College, Louise worked as a Structural Engineer in large multidisciplinary engineering consultancies for 7 years in London and New Zealand. She returned to university to study an MSc in Sports Biomechanics at Loughborough University, graduating in 2014. Louise then studied for a PhD in Sports Biomechanics at Sheffield Hallam University which involved working with British Cycling and the English Institute of Sport. In 2019, Louise was appointed as a Research Assistant at Swansea University on a joint project between the Applied Science, Technology, Exercise and Medicine Research Centre and the Welsh Centre for Printing and Coating to develop new printed products which included printed heaters and pressure sensors. Louise started as a Senior Lecturer at Northumbria in November 2021 and teaches Sport Biomechanics on the undergraduate degree programmes. Louise's main area of research is cycling biomechanics and the influence of factors such bicycle setup, training and sex.

Louise Burnie

Louise’s main research interests are understanding coordination in human movement and how this can be manipulated to improve human performance. She has a particular interest in cycling biomechanics, coordination and performance. There is a lack of sports science research into female athletes and female athlete health. To address this lack of knowledge Louise has several research projects around the female cyclist. This includes investigating the effect of sex differences and menstrual cycle on the performance, physiology, and biomechanics during cycling, and capturing the lived experiences and perceived effect of the menstrual cycle and saddle sores on cycling training and performance.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • The influence of passive heating garments worn in temperate and cold conditions prior to simulated performance for male soccer substitutes, Cowper, G., Goodall, S., Hicks, K., Burnie, L., Fox, K., Duffy, D., Briggs, M. Feb 2025, In: Physiological Reports
  • Physiological mechanisms associated with the use of a passive heat intervention: positive implications for soccer substitutes, Cowper, G., Goodall, S., Hicks, K., Burnie, L., Fox, K., Keenan, A., De Martino, E., Briggs, M. 1 May 2024, In: European Journal of Applied Physiology
  • Testing protocols and measurement techniques when using pressure sensors for sport and health applications: A comparative review, Burnie, L., Chockalingam, N., Holder, A., Claypole, T., Kilduff, L., Bezodis, N. 1 Jun 2024, In: Foot
  • Biomechanical measures of short-term maximal cycling on an ergometer: a test-retest study, Burnie, L., Barratt, P., Davids, K., Worsfold, P., Wheat, J. 3 Aug 2023, In: Sports Biomechanics
  • Commercially available pressure sensors for sport and health applications: A comparative review, Burnie, L., Chockalingam, N., Holder, A., Claypole, T., Kilduff, L., Bezodis, N. 1 Sep 2023, In: Foot
  • Relationships between kinematic characteristics and ratio of forces during initial sprint acceleration, King, D., Burnie, L., Nagahara, R., Bezodis, N. 1 Feb 2023, In: Journal of Sports Sciences
  • Effects of strength training on the biomechanics and coordination of short-term maximal cycling, Burnie, L., Barratt, P., Davids, K., Worsfold, P., Wheat, J. 2022, In: Journal of Sports Sciences
  • Quantifying the hip-ankle synergy in short-term maximal cycling, Burnie, L., Barratt, P., Davids, K., Worsfold, P., Wheat, J. 1 Sep 2022, In: Journal of Biomechanics
  • The impact of passive heat maintenance strategies between an active warm-up and performance: a systematic review and meta-analysis, Cowper, G., Goodall, S., Hicks, K., Burnie, L., Briggs, M. 13 Aug 2022, In: BMC Sports Science, Medicine and Rehabilitation
  • The effect of combined isometric and plyometric training on musculotendinous ankle stiffness and its subsequent effect on performance in international age-group track sprint cycling, McPartlan, D., Burnie, L., Pollock, S., Waldron, M., Tallent, J. 30 May 2021, In: The journal of sport and exercise science

Elisa Pastorio Sex differences and the effect of the menstrual cycle on cycling performance, physiology, and biomechanics Start Date: 01/10/2023

  • Sports Science PhD March 02 2020
  • Sports Science MSc September 30 2014
  • Civil Engineering MEng July 29 2005
  • Member International Society of Biomechanics in Sport 2021
  • Member International Society of Biomechanics 2021

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