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Dr Lindsay Bramwell

Senior Research Fellow

Department: Geography and Environmental Sciences

Lindsay Bramwell

Investigating environmental pathways of contamination and human exposure to legacy and emerging contaminants, particularly POPs (e.g. halogenated flame retardent chemicals) and lead. Human health risk assessment. Contaminated land, bioaccessibility and plant uptake. Human biomonitoring. Potentially toxic substances in indoor environments. Indoor and outdoor air quality assessment and associated health impacts.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Relationship between air quality and asthma-related emergency hospital admissions in Mexico City 2017–2019, Hayes, L., Mejia-Arangure, J., Errington, A., Bramwell, L., Vega, E., Nunez-Enriquez, J., Namdeo, A., Entwistle, J., Miquelajauregui, Y., Jaimes-Palomera, M., Torres, N., Rascón-Pacheco, R., Duarte-Rodríguez, D., McNally, R. 1 Jan 2024, In: Thorax
  • Driving factors behind the continuous increase of long-term PM2.5-attributable health burden in India using the high-resolution global datasets from 2001 to 2020, Maji, K., Namdeo, A., Bramwell, L. 25 Mar 2023, In: The Science of the Total Environment
  • Predictive modeling of indoor dust lead concentrations: Sources, risks, and benefits of intervention, Dietrich, M., Barlow, C., Entwistle, J., Meza-Figueroa, D., Dong, C., Gunkel-Grillon, P., Jabeen, K., Bramwell, L., Shukle, J., Wood, L., Naidu, R., Fry, K., Taylor, M., Filippelli, G. 15 Feb 2023, In: Environmental Pollution
  • Air Quality Outside Schools in Newcastle upon Tyne, UK: An Investigation into NO 2 and PM Concentrations and PM Respiratory Deposition, Keast, L., Bramwell, L., Maji, K., Rankin, J., Namdeo, A. 21 Jan 2022, In: Atmosphere
  • Determinants of blood and saliva lead concentrations in adult gardeners on urban agricultural sites, Bramwell, L., Morton, J., Harding, A., Lin, N., Entwistle, J. 1 Oct 2022, In: Environmental Geochemistry and Health
  • Exploring the Spatial Distribution of Air Pollution and Its Association with Socioeconomic Status Indicators in Mexico City, García-Burgos, J., Miquelajauregui, Y., Vega, E., Namdeo, A., Ruíz-Olivares, A., Mejía-Arangure, J., Resendiz-Martinez, C., Hayes, L., Bramwell, L., Jaimes-Palomera, M., Entwistle, J., Núñez-Enríquez, J., Portas, A., McNally, R. 18 Nov 2022, In: Sustainability
  • Bacterial diversity in house dust: characterization of a core indoor microbiome, Entwistle, J., Thompson, J., Argyraki, A., Bashton, M., Bramwell, L., Crown, M., Hursthouse, A., Jabeen, K., Marinho-Reis, A., Namdeo, A., Nelson, A., Pearce, D., Potgieter-Vermaak, S., Rasmussen, P., Wragg, J. 23 Nov 2021, In: Frontiers in Environmental Science
  • Changes in air quality in Mexico City, London and Delhi in response to various stages and levels of lockdowns and easing of restrictions during COVID-19 pandemic, Vega Rangel, E., Namdeo, A., Bramwell, L., Miquelajauregui, Y., Resendiz-Martinez, C., Jaimes-Palomera, M., Luna-Falfan, F., Terrazas-Ahumada, A., Maji, K., Entwistle, J., Núñez Enríquez, J., Mejia-Arangure, J., Portas, A., Hayes, L., Mcnally, R. 15 Sep 2021, In: Environmental Pollution
  • Investigating the Geochemical Controls on Pb Bioaccessibility in Urban Agricultural Soils to Inform Sustainable Site Management, Entwistle, J., Bramwell, L., Wragg, J., Cave, M., Hamilton, E., Gardner, A., Dean, J. 5 Oct 2020, In: Geosciences (Switzerland)
  • An apple a day? Assessing gardeners’ lead exposure in urban agriculture sites to improve the derivation of soil assessment criteria, Entwistle, J., Amaibi, P., Dean, J., Deary, M., Medock, D., Morton, J., Rodushkin, I., Bramwell, L. 1 Jan 2019, In: Environment international

PhD September 30 2018

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