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Dr Katherine Butler

Associate Professor

Department: Humanities

Katherine Butler is a music historian with particular interests in the musical culture of England, c.1550-1800. 

Katherine studied at The Queen’s College, University of Oxford and then took her PhD at Royal Holloway, University of London. After teaching for the Open University and working on the Early Music Online digitisation project (, she returned to Oxford in 2011 to take up a British Academy Postdoctoral Research Fellowship. She remained in Oxford as a researcher for the AHRC-funded Tudor Partbooks project ( before moving to the University of Leeds to manage an OfS-funded project across five institutions, focused on improving progression to postgraduate taught study among BAME students and those from areas with low rates of participation in higher education (

Katherine joined Northumbria University as a senior lecturer in January 2019.

She is now an Associate Professor and currently subject lead for Music,  Programme Leader for the BA, and Faculty Director of Access and Participation for ADSS. She is also an editor for the journal Music & Letters, on the advistory board for Renaissance Quarterly,  on the music committee for Newcastle Lit&Phil and a trustee for North Tyneside Music Opporunities for Young People.

Katherine Butler

My research focuses on the musical culture of England  c.1550-1800 and encompasses a wide range of themes including court music, civic pageantry, ballads and popular song, social and community music-making, gender, death songs and elegies, music philosophy, mythology, manuscript studies, and early music printing.

My first book explored the political uses of music at the court of Queen Elizabeth I (1558-1603). I reconstructed the significance of musical performances ranging from grand court pageantry to intimate music-making in the royal household to understand both the importance of music in Elizabeth’s royal image and how performances might be manipulated by courtiers and the nobility for their own ends. An off-shoot of this project also considered how cheaply printed and orally circulated songs for celebrating the Queen’s Accession Day shaped her image among the broader populace, and the extent to which these were official propaganda, opportunistic commercial exploitation, or genuine expressions of affection.

My second major project used myths and stories as windows onto musical thought in early modern England. Particularly fascinating was the how the increasing influence of empirical and experimental philosophy altered the reception of traditional stories about the powers of music, which opened up my interests in music’s place in early modern science and medicine.

Working on the Tudor Partbooks project provided an opportunity to develop skills in the digitisation reconstruction of damaged manuscripts and to pursue my interests in manuscript culture and early music printing. My extensive study of the only complete manuscript source of Protestant service music from the early years of the Elizabeth I’s reign (the ‘Hamond’ partbooks), shed light on liturgical practices and the training of boy choristers in this second phase of the Reformation, as well as music-making in Protestant households.

My current research interests are twofold: firstly, understanding the diverse social functions of rounds and catches - polyphonic songs that straddled oral and literate culture - c.1550-1700 and experimenting with reviving social catch-singing through Pop Up Community Catch Clubs; secondly exploring the musical networks of Newcastle musican and dancing-master Abraham Mackintosh, c.1800.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Music in Elizabethan Court Politics, Butler, K. Jan 2015
  • Music, Myth, and Story in Medieval and Early Modern Culture, Butler, K., Bassler, S. Mar 2019
  • The Heroic in Music, Kutschke, B., Butler, K. Apr 2022
  • From Liturgy and the Education of Choirboys to Protestant Domestic Music-Making: The History of the ‘Hamond’ Partbooks (GB-Lbl: Add MSS 30480-4), Butler, K. 2019, In: RMA Research Chronicle
  • Divine Harmony, Demonic Afflictions, and Bodily Humours: Two Tales of Musical Healing in Early Modern England, Butler, K. 10 May 2021, Perfect Harmony and Melting Strains, Berlin, De Gruyter
  • Changing Attitudes Towards Classical Mythology and their Impact on Notions of the Powers of Music in Early Modern England, Butler, K. 2016, In: Music and Letters
  • Printed Borders for Sixteenth-Century Music or Music Paper and the Early Career of Music Printer Thomas East, Butler, K. 1 Jun 2018, In: Library
  • In Praise of Music: Motets, Inscriptions and Musical Philosophy in Robert Dow’s Partbooks, Butler, K. 1 Feb 2017, In: Early Music
  • Death Songs & Elegies: Singing about Death in Elizabethan England, Butler, K. 1 May 2015, In: Early Music
  • Myth, Science, and the Power of Music in the Early Decades of the Royal Society, Butler, K. Jan 2015, In: Journal of the History of Ideas

  • Abigail Harrison An intersectional understanding of the barriers faced by 'non-traditional' PhD students, within Arts, Social Sciences and Humanities across the universities of the North East of England, from application to completion. Start Date: 01/07/2024
  • Sebastian Jørgensen From 'Pri re la' to 'Repercussio': Conceptual Changes in Plainchant Theory from 1500 to 1550 Start Date: 01/10/2022

  • Music PhD July 01 2011
  • Music MA July 01 2007
  • Music BA (Hons) July 01 2006
  • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy FHEA 2013

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