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Dr Arends develops novel analysis methodologies and creates (open source) software for use in (systems) biology research, such as the addition of Multiple QTL Mapping (MQM) into R/qtl. Furthermore, Dr Arends his interests are in the development of novel computational method to support day to day biological research.

The focus of his research is computational methods in quantitative trait locus (QTL) analysis, data visualizations, and integration of big data sets in a useful / comprehensive manner. Open-source software he developed can be found on Github.

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • R/qtl: high-throughput multiple QTL mapping, Arends, D., Prins, P., Jansen, R., Broman, K. 1 Oct 2010, In: Bioinformatics
  • A platform for experimental precision medicine: The extended BXD mouse family, Ashbrook, D., Arends, D., Prins, P., Mulligan, M., Roy, S., Williams, E., Lutz, C., Valenzuela, A., Bohl, C., Ingels, J., McCarty, M., Centeno, A., Hager, R., Auwerx, J., Lu, L., Williams, R. 17 Mar 2021, In: Cell Systems
  • Transmission distortion and genetic incompatibilities between alleles in a multigenerational mouse advanced intercross line, Arends, D., Kärst, S., Heise, S., Korkuc, P., Hesse, D., Brockmann, G. 4 Jan 2022, In: Genetics

  • Please visit the Pure Research Information Portal for further information
  • Other: YouTube livestream: Enrichment Analysis 2024
  • Participating in a conference, workshop, ...: Northumbria University - Experience day 2024
  • Other: YouTube livestream: Setting up a local Large Language Model (LLM) 2023
  • Invited talk: Genetic modulation of lifespan and post-reproductive longevity in heterogeneous mice 2023
  • Invited talk: Novel Methods in Quantitative Trait Analysis (QTL) 2022
  • Visiting an external academic institution: University of Tennessee Health Science Center 2022
  • Other: YouTube livestream: RNA Sequencing - Read counts, RPKM, Volcano plot, and a Heatmap 2022
  • Other: YouTube livestream: RNA Sequencing - Building a FASTQ to BAM pipeline 2022
  • Participating in a conference, workshop, ...: Northumbria University - Undergraduate Open Day 2022
  • Other: YouTube livestream: RNA Sequencing - Setup and Prerequisites 2022

  • Bioinformatics PhD October 17 2014
  • Molecular Biology MSc

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