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At Northumbria University you'll have the opportunity to learn from inspiring and passionate academics who are pioneers in their areas of expertise, producing world-leading and internationally recognised research. 

That research intensiveness has achieved the highest recognition - in 2022, Northumbria was ranked in the top 25 for research power through the research excellence framework (REF) 2021 and was also named University of the Year by Times Higher Education.

To ensure that students receive the best of what Northumbria has to offer, our academic and professional staff are committed to delivering outstanding teaching experiences which are enriched through successful partnerships and collaborative working with external organisations.

Our People

All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
Eamon Scullion
Ciro Semprebon
Staff Placeholder
Joe -shimwell
Andy Smith

Dr Andy Smith

Senior Research Fellow

Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Matteo Sommacal
Tom Stallard
Julia Stawarz
Staff Placeholder

Dr Ansu Sun

Research Fellow

Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Staff Placeholder
Mike Taverne
Staff Placeholder
Staff Placeholder
Kunyapat Thummavichai
Devendra Tiwari
Hamdi Torun
Matthew Townson
Clare Watt
Lucy Whalley
Robert Wicks
Haimeng Wu
Qiang Wu

Dr Qiang Wu

Associate Professor

Mathematics, Physics and Electrical Engineering

Steph Yardley
Staff Placeholder
EE Valentina Zharkova Staffprofile 255
Staff Placeholder
Guillaume Zoppi

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