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To maximise the availability of the conference to as diverse an audience as possible, we have adopted a flexible fee system. The system will fund the significant technical support necessary for this conference as it is anticipated most delegates will be able to pay the full fee. All delegates are required to follow the following rules for fee payment, including seeking full funding of the fee from your university or other organisation wherever possible.


  • For those receiving full sponsorship from a university or other organisation or are otherwise able to fund their participation in full: £50
  • For those not receiving full sponsorship from a university or other organisation but are able to partly fund their participation either personally or via sponsorship: £30
  • Minimum fee for all delegates not falling into the above categories (we are not operating full fee waivers): £10

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General Secretary of the Microbiology Society, Professor Karen Robinson, presents Dr Helen Hooper and Dr Amanda Jones from Northumbria University with the 2024 Microbiology Society Outreach Prize.
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