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Legal Education in Primary Schools: Ideas, Realities and Practicalities

Lecture Theatre TBC

Tickets Available


This event looks to develop the existing research on legal education in primary schools by bringing together academics, teachers, school staff, children and parents/guardians into a shared space.

It is focused on creating a common and safe space to discuss ideas from research, practice and lived experience.

This is an important undertaking as legal education for primary school children is not discussed as widely as it is for secondary schools and higher education, and if it has been it is often in a widening participation context.

The need for teaching primary school children about the law is often overlooked despite the age of criminal responsibility in England and Wales being 10 and the rights they have under the UNCRC.

The one-day event seeks to highlight this research agenda and support the sharing of practices and ideas within this community.   



9.30am - Registration and Morning Tea/Coffee

10-10.15am - Introduction

10.15-11am - Session 1 - Legal Design & Learning about the Law

11-11.15 - Break

11.15-12pm - Session 2 - School Tasking

12-12.45pm - Lunch 

12.45-1.45pm - Session 3 - World Cafe based Activity 

1.45-2pm - Break

2-3pm - Session 4 - Project Fortitude

3-4pm - Session 5 - TBC

4-4.15pm - Conclusion of the Event


Event Details

Lecture Theatre TBC
Business & Law Building, Northumbria University
City Campus East
Newcastle upon Tyne


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